Diabetic foot
"If a diabetic patient observes an ulcer on his foot, he must go immediately to the specialist, both to cure it as soon as possible and to discover the cause of its origin, which will allow us to design a personalized treatment adapted to his case".
The diabetic foot appears when there are inadequate levels of glucose in the blood and other factors that often occur in people with diabetes (high blood pressure, hypercholesterolemia, ...) that cause damage to the vessels and nerves that can produce medium-long term complications.
Specialists in Endocrinology, Vascular Surgery and Orthopedic Surgery and Traumatology collaborate in the care of patients suffering from diabetic foot. In this way, a more complete approach to the diabetic patient is achieved, offering the best solutions in each case and achieving the best results.

What are the symptoms of diabetic foot?
Two of the risks of these patients are decreased sensitivity and poor circulation of the foot, which can lead to the formation of an ulcer, sometimes serious, and which is the main cause of a possible amputation.
Most injuries are caused by a decrease in the sensitivity of the foot and arise in the sole or in areas close to the bone, such as the knuckles of the fingers.
In the case that a patient observes an ulcer, should go as soon as possible to the specialist. Not only to cure it, but to diagnose it and design a personalized treatment that is best suited to your case. In many cases, the cures are in charge of a good nursing team.
Most common symptoms:
- Tingling and cramping.
- Absence of sensitivity.
- Appearance of ulcers on the skin of the foot.
Do you have any of these symptoms?
You may have diabetic foot
How is the diabetic foot treated?
The University of Navarra Clinic's Diabetic Foot Unit has an operating room that has all the requirements of a surgery room plus specific equipment, such as an advanced vascular radiology system, which offers a pulsed source of X-rays to constantly observe the inside of the patient's vessels and locate the catheter at all times.
In addition, computer software has been installed by means of which the images of the interior of the vessel are subtracted and displayed on the screen. The quality and resolution of the equipment is state-of-the-art.
Where do we treat it?
The Vascular Surgery Service
of the Clínica Universidad de Navarra
The Vascular Surgery Service of the Clinic has the latest technology for the diagnosis, treatment and surgery of vascular pathologies. Our wide experience, framed in the quality care environment of the University of Navarra Clinic, allows us to offer the patient the most effective and innovative treatments.
We have an operating room specialized in vascular surgery, equipped with advanced equipment for the surgical treatment of the most important vascular diseases.
We are pioneers in endovascular brachytherapy, localized radiotherapy to treat tumors, which has been practiced in the world on very few occasions.
Diseases we treat
- Diseases of the aorta
- Carotid diseases
- Chronic venous insufficiency (varicose veins)
- Ischemia of lower extremities
- Varicose ulcers

Why at the Clinica?
- En menos de 24 horas podemos realizar las pruebas necesarias para establecer el diagnóstico y el planteamiento del tratamiento.
- Área de Flebología pionera en España en el tratamiento de varices con microespuma.