Central Unit for Clinical Trials
We integrate research and care, an opportunity for our patients
The aim of the Central Unit for Clinical Trials is to integrate clinical research into the Clinic's regular healthcare activity, as well as to reduce the administrative time limits needed before trials can be launched.
The structure and technological equipment of the Clinic are fundamental in order to be able to undertake the implementation of high-level clinical trials.
Clinical trials make it easier for patients to access new drugs and treatments that they would not otherwise be able to obtain, always guaranteeing patient safety and the most rigorous ethical control.
The Unit is conceived as a centralised structure that provides management support to all the clinical departments within the institution, in order to enable medical researchers to dedicate their time and resources to their scientific work.
The Unit has a team of qualified professionals made up of trial management staff and specialised healthcare professionals who provide comprehensive care to the patients involved in the studies.

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Learn about the activity of the Central Unit for Clinical Trials

The Clinic is the private centre that promotes the largest number of clinical trials in Spain. Every year it launches around 70 new clinical research projects.
Currently, the Central Unit for Clinical Trials manages more than 300 clinical trials in 25 medical specialities.

In clinical trials, there are inclusion and exclusion criteria established that describe who can and cannot participate.
The basic factors that condition participation in a trial are:
- Age
- Gender
- Type of illness
- Phase of the disease
- History of previous treatment
- Other medical conditions
This prevents patients from receiving treatment that could harm them, since not all trials are suitable for all patients. A trial may be safe for one patient, but not for another with the same diagnosis.

At the Clinica, patient safety is the top priority in clinical trials. All research studies must follow a rigorous review and monitoring process.
The Clínica Universidad de Navarra complies with the standards on human research established by the Joint Commission International (JCI).
Compliance with current legislation and the working procedures followed at the Clinic ensure adequate control and the provision of the necessary resources to carry out research activities with the highest levels of commitment to quality and ethics.
- Regulation
- Informed Consent
- Patient's rights
One team, two locations

UCEC | Navarra Location
- Three medical coordinators.
- A management and administration manager.
- A research support staff coordinator.
- Ten study coordinators (four of them are nurses)
- Five Research Assistants.
- Managers for the administrative and economic follow-up of the projects.
- Two secretaries.
- A quality technician.
- A clinical trial monitor.
- A biostatistics technician.

UCEC | Madrid Location
- Two medical coordinators.
- A management and administration manager.
- Four test coordinators.
- A clinical trial nurse.
- A research assistant.
Supporting areas of research
All the technology and human resources of the Clínica Universidad de Navarra are at the service of research and at the service of our patients
La Clínica Universidad de Navarra está adherida al Código de Conducta de Farmaindustria