Lower limb ischemia
"If diagnosed and treated early, the decrease in quality of life that comes with late surgical treatment can be avoided".
Lower limb ischemia is caused by the blockage of one of the main arteries responsible for blood supply to the legs.
It is a disease due to occlusion or narrowing of the peripheral arteries that usually occurs more frequently in people with diabetes, high blood pressure or arteriosclerosis.
There are a number of risk factors that cannot be modified and therefore cannot be prevented. These factors are: advanced age, greater appearance in men and in the black race.
On the contrary, there are other factors on which preventive measures can be taken so that they do not influence the appearance of lower limb arterial ischemia:
- Smoking
- Diabetes mellitus type 1
- Dyslipemias
- Arterial hypertension

What are the symptoms of leg ischemia?
Most patients have no or only mild symptoms.
The most characteristic symptom is pain or cramps in the legs to walk that forces the patient to stop (intermittent claudication).
The pain will be located according to the artery that is obstructed, although the most frequent location is in the calf.
The most common symptoms are:
- Intermittent claudication.
- Pain in extremities.
- Pallor and coldness in extremities.
Do you have any of these symptoms?
You may have lower-extremity ischemia
How is ischemia diagnosed in IBD?

To diagnose this disease, on the same day of the consultation, a color ecodoppler is performed to locate the presence of the arterial obstruction (arteriosclerosis plaques), to know the size of the plaques and other characteristics.
This test is usually complemented with an angio-resonance or an angio-CT scan to obtain a detailed map of the leg arteries.
How is lower limb ischemia treated?
Of special importance is the endovascular approach to the superficial or distal (below the knee) femoral artery when there is a disabling obstruction due to critical ischemia in the legs.
The treatment of these lesions is done through angioplasty and implant of a stent that prevents the obstruction of the vessel.
What clinical trials do we have on isquemia de piernas?
Where do we treat it?
The Vascular Surgery Service
of the Clínica Universidad de Navarra
The Vascular Surgery Service of the Clinic has the latest technology for the diagnosis, treatment and surgery of vascular pathologies. Our wide experience, framed in the quality care environment of the University of Navarra Clinic, allows us to offer the patient the most effective and innovative treatments.
We have an operating room specialized in vascular surgery, equipped with advanced equipment for the surgical treatment of the most important vascular diseases.
We are pioneers in endovascular brachytherapy, localized radiotherapy to treat tumors, which has been practiced in the world on very few occasions.
Diseases we treat
- Diseases of the aorta
- Carotid diseases
- Chronic venous insufficiency (varicose veins)
- Ischemia of lower extremities
- Varicose ulcers

Why at the Clinica?
- En menos de 24 horas podemos realizar las pruebas necesarias para establecer el diagnóstico y el planteamiento del tratamiento.
- Área de Flebología pionera en España en el tratamiento de varices con microespuma.