Laparoscopic surgery
"Patients who undergo these interventions have the same therapeutic benefits as conventional open surgery, but with considerably less postoperative pain, fewer days in the hospital, faster recovery and better aesthetic results".
Laparoscopy is the minimally invasive alternative to conventional open surgery in which a small camera called a laparoscope is used to view inside the abdomen.
It is performed through small holes in the abdominal cavity. A minimal incision, in a longitudinal fold of the navel, allows the introduction of the endoscope with an attached micro-camera, which offers on a monitor the panoramic vision of organs in the abdominal cavity.
In this way, the laparoscope transmits the image of the internal organs to a monitor, through which the surgeon can be guided to perform different surgical procedures. The laparoscope magnifies the image several times with respect to the real size, allowing a better vision of the abdominal organs.
Not all patients are candidates for laparoscopic surgery. Each person presents unique circumstances that have to be considered individually.

When is laparoscopic surgery indicated?
Although its most common and well-known use is in gallbladder surgery (cholecystectomy), at present, the development of the technique has meant that it is used in a large number of pathologies and specialties: gastroesophageal reflux surgery, stomach, obesity, diverticulitis, pancreatic disease, liver surgery, spleen, adrenals.
It is also used in the evaluation of the polytraumatized patient, inguinal hernias, acute abdomen, pediatric and fetal surgery, vascular surgery, gynecology, etc.
Most frequent indications:
- Digestive surgery.
- Gynecological surgery.
- Pediatric surgery.
- Vascular surgery...
Will you be having surgery?
It may be possible to perform it laparoscopically
How is laparoscopic surgery performed?
Procedimiento de la cirugía laparoscópica
To perform laparoscopic surgery, only 3 or 4 small incisions with 0.5 to 1 cm holes are required instead of a 15 to 20 cm wound.
Through these small incisions, the instruments are introduced with which the operation is performed.
No special preparation is required, apart from the preoperative studies required for the type of surgery to be performed.
Ventajas de la laparoscopia
The patient will present among other benefits:
- Less postoperative pain.
- Faster recovery with shorter hospital stay.
- ster return to normal activity, work and physical.
- Better cosmetic result.
Other biological advantages derived from the technique are
- Less need for fluid replacement (intra and postoperative) due to less exposure of the tissues.
- Less intraoperative blood loss.
- Less edema of tissues and adjacent organs.
- Less postoperative ileus (preservation of peristalsis).
- Less incidence of wound complications (infections, hematomas, laparotomic hernias...).
- Preservation of the patient's immune status.
Contraindicaciones de la cirugía laparoscópica
At present, there is no absolute contraindication for this type of surgery.
The following can be considered as relative contraindications:
- Hypovolemic shock.
- Intestinal obstruction with significant abdominal distension.
- Large abdominal tumors.
- Severe heart failure.
- Septic peritonitis.
- Multi-operated patients.
Posibles complicaciones de este tratamiento
In spite of a correct surgical technique, complications may occur, both derived from the type of intervention performed and specific to the laparoscopic approach.
Among the latter are: subcutaneous emphysema (extension of the gas to the subcutaneous tissue), pneumothorax, gas embolism, thrombosis in the lower extremities, pain usually referred to the shoulder, lesions produced by the introduction of the trocars or by the instruments themselves, hypothermia, etc.
These complications generally resolve with medical treatment, although depending on them, they may require a reintervention. A controversial and still unresolved issue is the risk of tumor spread in malignant pathology after this type of approach.
Where do we do it?
The Department of General Surgery
of the Clínica Universidad de Navarra
The Department of General and Digestive Surgery is made up of specialists dedicated to the surgical treatment of endocrine, breast, gastrointestinal, hepatobiliary, pancreatic, colorectal and abdominal wall diseases, with special dedication to oncological surgery.
The application of laparoscopic surgery in the interventions reduces the hospital stay, the post-operative discomfort and shortens the patient's recovery.
We have a great experience in laparoscopic colorectal surgery, of the adrenal gland, liver and pancreas, as well as in obesity surgery.
Treatments we perform
- Colorectal surgery.
- Breast surgery.
- Surgery of the hemorrhoids.
- Pelvic floor surgery.
- Endocrine and obesity surgery.
- Esophageal and gastrointestinal surgery.
- Hepatobiliary and pancreatic surgery.
- Abdominal wall surgery.
- Liver transplant.

Why at the Clinica?
- Center of Excellence in Obesity Surgery by the International Federation for Bariatric Surgery.
- 90% survival rate in liver transplants.
- We are the private hospital with the largest technological equipment.