Treatment of varicose veins

"Phleboesclerosis with microfoam is the most effective and innovative treatment for varicose veins and chronic ulcers of the lower extremities. It makes it possible to treat any type of varicose veins, causes hardly any discomfort and does not require hospitalization".


How are varicose veins treated?

Healthy veins have valves inside them that prevent venous blood from flowing back down the leg when standing up.

When these valves stop working properly, blood accumulates and the veins dilate, which favors the appearance of varicose veins.

The treatment of varicose veins consists of eliminating the veins that are malfunctioning so that the blood returns through the ones that are functioning well and, in this way, improving the venous circulation.

Phleboesclerosis with microfoam is a treatment with excellent results that can be performed in all types of varicose veins, from the finest to vascular malformations. The treatment produces hardly any discomfort, does not require surgery and the patient returns home if he needs to rest or go down.

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Why at the Clínica Universidad de Navarra

The most effective and innovative method for the treatment of varicose veins, without discomfort to the patient

Imagen de un icono dorado de un sello que acredita la excelencia en la atención.

Excellent results

More than 15 years performing the treatment of varicose veins with microfoam.

Imagen de un icono dorado de un equipo de tres profesionales.


Pioneers in this technique with more than 10,000 patients treated.

Iimagen de un icono dorado de un edificio hospitalario.

Quality and safety

With the guarantee and security of a prestigious hospital.

When should varicose veins be treated?

Phleboesclerosis with microfoam allows the removal of any varicose vein, regardless of size, location or morphology, from the varicose veins (small varicose veins or spider veins) to larger and larger caliber varicose veins.

In addition, it is indicated for patients with venous ulcers or infiltrating venous vascular malformations, which until now had no treatment.

It can be performed at any age and regardless of the patient's associated pathologies. This treatment does not present any type of contraindications, except for allergy to polidocanol.

Most frequent indications of this treatment:

Do you have any of these diseases?

This treatment may be necessary

Types of treatments to solve varicose veins

Tratamiento de varices con microespuma

The treatment of sclerotherapy with Polidocanol microfoam consists of injecting a substance (Polidocanol) in the sick vein in the pharmaceutical form of microfoam, which allows the selective elimination of the varicose vein.

Currently, treatment with microfoam is the only procedure which can eliminate any varicose vein, regardless of its size, location or morphology, from large caliber to aesthetic variculas, and can be applied to any patient, regardless of age and associated pathologies and treatments.

In the University of Navarra Clinic we are pioneers in the application of this procedure. The microfoam that we use is patented and it is its original form of production and application that makes it effective and very safe.

Sclerotherapy with microfoam begins with the localization of the diseased vessels by means of a color Eco-Doppler study, which allows for the observation of blood flow. Subsequently, an ultrasound-guided injection of microfoam is performed.

Thanks to the Eco-Doppler, the specialist has a permanent control of the path of the microfoam that is applied selectively to the diseased vessels.

Ablación venosa endovascular

Endovascular vein ablation is a procedure that needs to be complemented with phlebectomy or microfoam sclerotherapy, effective in one act when patients are well selected.

It can be performed by laser or radiofrequency. In the laser application, a small incision is made in the skin and laser energy is applied inside the walls of the vein, causing a retraction in the walls of the vein, occluding it.

Radiofrequency applies heat through a catheter, which is introduced through a small incision in the area to be treated.

The advantages are that it allows only those veins affected to be treated and reduces the formation of new vessels. It is performed in the operating room under local anesthesia, lasts less than 1 hour and leaves no scar.

The symptoms improve rapidly and it has very good results when complemented with other techniques such as phleboesclerosis with microfoam.

Flebectomía ambulatoria

Ambulatory phlebectomy is a minimally invasive technique in which varicose veins are removed through small incisions in the skin.

A small hook is inserted and small segments of the varicose veins are removed. The procedure can be performed frequently, until all the varicose veins have been removed.

It is performed under local anesthesia, on an outpatient basis, and since no stitches are required, the patient can return to normal activity and will only need to wear compression stockings.

Phlebectomy can be performed as a single procedure or together with the surgical removal of the saphenous vein (saphenectomy).


Saphenectomy consists of the extraction of the greater or lesser saphenous vein, its branches and the ligation of incompetent perforators.

It is the classic method in the treatment of varicose veins. It is performed in the operating room, under general or locoregional anesthesia and requires 1-2 days of hospitalization.

The procedure consists of ligating the saphenous vein at its mouth in the deep venous system and is removed (by traction) the affected segment of the vein. It requires wider incisions than in the rest of the procedures, which can leave visible scars.

This technique has its limitations, since it is indicated in patients whose saphenous vein is very superficial. Approximately 50% of patients undergoing saphenectomy, may return to venous insufficiency.

Where do we perform them?


The Vascular Surgery Service
of the Clínica Universidad de Navarra

The Vascular Surgery Service of the Clinic has the latest technology for the diagnosis, treatment and surgery of vascular pathologies. Our wide experience, framed in the quality care environment of the University of Navarra Clinic, allows us to offer the patient the most effective and innovative treatments.

We have an operating room specialized in vascular surgery, equipped with advanced equipment for the surgical treatment of the most important vascular diseases. 

We are pioneers in endovascular brachytherapy, localized radiotherapy to treat tumors, which has been practiced in the world on very few occasions.

Diseases we treat

  • Diseases of the aorta
  • Carotid diseases
  • Chronic venous insufficiency (varicose veins)
  • Ischemia of lower extremities
  • Varicose ulcers
Imagen de la fachada de consultas de la sede en Pamplona de la Clínica Universidad de Navarra

Why at the Clinica?

  • En menos de 24 horas podemos realizar las pruebas necesarias para establecer el diagnóstico y el planteamiento del tratamiento.
  • Área de Flebología pionera en España en el tratamiento de varices con microespuma.

Our team of professionals

Specialists in Vascular Surgery with experience in treating varicose veins