Our professionals

Dr. Ana Chopitea Ortega
Specialist in Medical Oncology.
Preferential dedication to the treatment of gastrointestinal tumors.
Works at:
Navarre headquarters
Be part of:
Clínica Universidad de Navarra
Cancer Center Clínica Universidad de Navarra
Professional career
Graduated in Medicine (2001) from the University of Navarra.
Specialist in Medical Oncology (2006) from the University of Navarra.
She has collaborated in more than 10 research projects.
- Multidisciplinary treatment of gastrointestinal tumors.
- Chemo-radiotherapy programs.
- Biological modulation of drug response.
- Molecular basis of response and resistance to chemotherapy and biological therapies.
- Combination of molecularly targeted therapies.
- Molecular markers predictive of response and prognostic of survival.
- Selective radioembolization of liver lesions.
- Treatment with radioisotopes.
As an educator
Resident tutor of the Department of Medical Oncology since 2015.
As a researcher
She has contributed to one chapter in a book and collaborated in 17 articles in national and international journals.

Scientific organizations
- Member of the Spanish Society of Oncology (SEOM).