Our professionals

Dr. Cristina Aubá Guedea
Reconstructive and Aesthetic Plastic Surgery Specialist
Area of Expertise: Mammary reconstruction, microsurgery, surgical treatment of lymphedema
Professional career
Graduated (2000) and was awarded her doctorate (2006) in Medicine and Surgery from the University of Navarra. She gained vast experience during her residencies in the Hospital das Clinicas in Sao Paulo, Brazil, at the University of Tokyo hospital, in Bogenhausen (Munich), the National Cancer Institute in Milan and the MD Anderson Cancer Center in Houston.
During these residencies she increased her training in mammary surgery, microsurgery, especially in mammary reconstruction and head and neck treatments, as well as surgical treatment for lymphedema.
She has participated in the following peripheral nerve research projects:
- Nerve regeneration using temporary allografts in immunosuppressed primates with FK-506, University of Navarra, 2002-2005
- Quantitative analysis of facial movement in paralysed faces, MMA Foundation (Madrid), 2004-2007
- Effect of inhibiting peptide p-144® of TGF- ß (transforming growth factor) in rats in peripheral nerve regeneration, University of Navarra, 2006
Currently leading the “Evaluation of the effectiveness of lymphaticovenous anastomoses in the surgical treatment of lymphedema” Project, (PIUNA 2013-2015)
- Head and neck reconstruction
- Mammary reconstruction microsurgery
- Limb reconstruction
- Surgical treatment of lymphedema
- Aesthetic face and body surgery
As an educator
Associate professor of Plastic Surgery, Anatomy and Microsurgery at the University of Navarra Faculty of Medicine.
As a researcher
She has had 16 articles published in national and international scientific magazines
She has made presentations at 58 national and international conferences.

- Premio Sánchez Toca de la Real Academia de Medicina sobre Ética en Biomedicina con el trabajo: “Consideraciones éticas sobre la cirugía estética y la belleza”. B. Hontanilla, C. Aubá. Enero 2004.
- Primer premio de Residentes otorgado por la SVNRA (Sociedad Vasco-Navarra-Riojano-Aragonesa) en Noviembre de 2002. Trabajo: “Comparación de la regeneración nerviosa a través de auto y aloinjertos en los primates mediante estudios electrofisiológicos”.
- Primer premio nacional de Residentes otorgado por la SECPRE (Sociedad Española de Cirugía Plástica, Reparadora y Estética) en mayo del 2004 con el trabajo titulado: “Estudio comparativo de la regeneración nerviosa a través de auto y aloinjertos en el modelo experimental de la parálisis facial del primate”.
Organismos científicos
- Miembro asociado de la Sociedad Española de Cirugía Plástica Estética y Reparadora (SECPRE).