Our professionals

Professional career
Graduated from the University of Navarra 2009.
Resident Internist in Medical Oncology at the Clínica Universidad de Navarra during the years 2010-2015.
ESMO MORA Certificate in 2013.
Doctor of Medicine from the University of Navarra 2015.
Clinical Fellow in the Department of Therapeutic Innovation and Early Trials (DITEP) at the Gustave Roussy Institute under Professor JC Soria (2015-2017).
Master in Biostatistics. Autonomous University of Barcelona (2016-20).
Master in Molecular Oncology. King Juan Carlos University. Madrid (2018-current).
- Principal investigator in 10 clinical trials and subinvestigator in more than 70 clinical trials.
- Basic Science Research Itinerary (2004-2007) at the Center for Applied Medical Research, Pamplona (Supervisor P. Fortes).
- Implications of Id1 and Id3 genes in hepatic metastatic dissemination in non-small cell lung cancer. (International PhD, October 2015) at the Center for Applied Medical Research, Pamplona (Supervisor I. Gil-Bazo).
- Phase I clinical trials of targeted therapies and immunotherapy.
- Design of early phase clinical trials.
As an educator
- Accreditation as Associate Professor Doctor by ANECA 2019.
- Collaborating Professor of Medical Oncology. University of Navarra. 2012-2019.
- Collaborating Professor at the School of Nursing. University of Navarra. 2012-2017.
- Lecturer at the MIR Academy, Oviedo. 2009-2019.
As a researcher
He has presented more than 50 communications at national and international congresses, co-authored 8 training books for residents and medical students and collaborated in more than 34 publications in international journals.

Scientific organizations
- Associate member of the Spanish Society of Medical Oncology, the European Society of Medical Oncology, the American Society of Clinical Oncology, the American Association for Cancer Research and the European Organization for Research and Treatment of Cancer.