Our professionals

La imagen muestra a la Dra. Inmaculada Colina Lorda, especialista en Chequeos Médicos de la Clínica Universidad de Navarra. La Dra. Colina es especialista en Medicina Interna y se dedica a la realización de chequeos médicos exhaustivos para la detección temprana de enfermedades.

Dr. Inmaculada Colina Lorda

Specialist in Internal Medicine
Preferential dedication to health prevention and medical check-up

Works at: Navarre headquarters
Be part of: Clínica Universidad de Navarra Cima Universidad de Navarra

Professional career

Graduate and Doctor (1990) in Medicine from the University of Navarra.

Since 1986, specialist in the Department of Internal Medicine.

Stay at Presbyterian University Hospital. Transplant Service. Pittsburgh. USA

Currently, a member of the Check-ups Unit.


Previous research in human and experimental liver cirrhosis.

His current research is in the area of cardiovascular risk, atherosclerosis and obesity.



As an educator

Since 1993, associate professor of Internal Medicine at the University of Navarra.

Since 2002, associate professor.

Professor hired by the National Agency for Evaluation and Accreditation (ANECA) 2009.

Professor in charge of the subject Rheumatology at the University of Navarra.

Tutor of students of Clinica Practica of the University of Navarra.