Our professionals

Imagen Dr. Javier Aristu Mendioroz, Departamento de Oncologia Radioterapica.

Dr. Javier Aristu

Clinical Director of the Proton Therapy Unit.
Specialist in Radiation Oncology.
Preferential dedication to radiosurgery, cranial and extracranial stereotactic radiotherapy and intensity-modulated radiotherapy

Works at: Madrid headquarters
Be part of: Clínica Universidad de Navarra Cancer Center Clínica Universidad de Navarra

Professional career

Graduated (1987) and Doctor (2000) in Medicine and Surgery by the University of Navarra. Specialist in Radiation Oncology by the Clínica Universidad de Navarra (1993). He completed his training in radiosurgery and stereotactic radiotherapy in Baylor College (Houston), in the RSA (Burlington, Boston, 1995) and in the Department of Radiation Oncology, University of Iowa Hospitals & Clinics, University of Iowa (United States, 2010).

Coordinator of the Area of Neuro-Oncology and Gastrointestinal Tumors of the Clinic.

Clinical Director of the Proton Therapy Unit at the Madrid headquarters since 2020.

Director of the Department of Radiation Oncology since 2025.


He has participated in 9 funded research projects, as principal investigator in 3 of them.


  • He leads the program of special radiotherapy techniques such as radiosurgery, cranial and extracranial stereotactic radiotherapy and intensity-modulated radiotherapy (IMRT), as well as their integration into multidisciplinary cancer treatment programs.
  • He participates in studies and clinical trials that combine radiotherapy with new molecular drugs in various tumor locations.
  • Proton therapy in cancer treatment.


As an educator

Professor of the University of Navarra accredited by ANECA. He is a professor of Oncology (6th Medicine) and of the Master of Biomedical Engineering.

Responsible for the internship of medical students in the Department of Radiation Oncology.

Professor of doctorate courses.

Tutor of residents in Radiation Oncology.

He has directed two doctoral theses and has been a tribunal in six.

Teacher in the specialty of Oncological Nursing at the Clinic.

As a researcher

Author of more than 75 articles in national and international scientific journals of the specialty.
He has written 22 chapters of specialized books.
He has presented 200 communications or papers invited to national and international congresses.
Reviewer of articles in 4 indexed scientific journals.

Imagen de un icono azul con un documento certificado.

Scientific organizations

  • American Society of Therapeutic Radiation Oncology (ASTRO).
  • European Society ofTherapeutic Radiation Oncology (ESTRO).
  • European Association of Neuroncology (EANO).
  • Spanish Society of Radiation Oncology (SEOR).
  • Spanish Society of Radiosurgery (SER).
  • Spanish Group of Neuroncology (GENO).
  • Spanish Group of Breast Cancer Research (GEICAM).
  • International Medical Society.
  • Member of the board of directors of 5 scientific societies.