Our professionals

Imagen del Dr. Javier Rodríguez Rodríguez, especialista en Oncología Médica de la Clínica Universidad de Navarra. El Dr. Rodríguez se dedica al tratamiento y la investigación de tumores gastrointestinales (esofagogástricos y colorrectales)

Dr. Javier Rodríguez

Co-Director of the Department of Medical Oncology. Medical Oncology Specialist
Area of Expertise: Digestive Oncology

Works at: Navarre headquarters Madrid headquarters
Be part of: Clínica Universidad de Navarra Cancer Center Clínica Universidad de Navarra

Professional career

Graduated in Medicine and Surgery from the University of Navarra (1997). He specialised in Medical Oncology at the Clínica Universidad de Navarra. He was awarded his doctorate by the University of Navarra (2013).

Specialist on the Gastrointestinal Tumours and Hepatobiliary Tumours Unit in the Medical Oncology Department at the Clínica Universidad de Navarra.

Since 2022, co-director of the Department of Medical Oncology at the Clínica Universidad de Navarra.


  • He led a research project and has collaborated in 4 others.


  • Multidisciplinary treatment of gastrointestinal tumours & Chemotherapy programmes
  • Biological modulation of drug responses – molecular basis of the response and resistance to chemotherapy and biological therapies. Combination of molecularly led therapies
  • Molecular marker predictors of response and prognosis of survival rate
  • Immunotherapy


As an educator

  • Profesor colaborador de la Facultad de Medicina de UNAV desde el 2018.
  • Profesor responsable de la asignatura casos clínicos en Oncología en la Facultad de Medicina, con 3 ECTS.

As a researcher

He has published or collaborated on more than 65 articles in prestigious international and national magazines.

Imagen de un icono azul con un documento certificado.

Scientific organizations

  • Young Investigator Award. Blood Club. Central Society of Clinical Investigation. Chicago 1996.
  • Award to the Best Project of Basic Applied or Clinical Research in Breast Cancer. Novartis: Effects of inhibition of tyrosine kinase activity of the epidermal growth factor (EGF) family receptors on the regulation of breast cancer cell proliferation and apoptosis (2001).
  • Rafael Hervada Award for Biomedical Research: Myocardial regeneration with autologous myoblasts: experimental and clinical study. Rafael Hervada Hospital. December 2005.
  • Accesit to the Bayer-Schering-Pharma Award 2007 in Research on Lymphoproliferative Syndromes: Epigenetic regulation of Wnt-signaling pathway in acute lymphoblastic leukemia. XLIX AEHH National Meeting and XXIII SETH National Congress. Pamplona, October 2007.
  • FEHH-ASTRA ZENECA Award 2007. Epigenetic regulation of human cancer/testis antigen gene, HAGE, in chronic myeloid leukemia. XLIX AEHH National Meeting and XXIII SETH National Congress. Pamplona, October 2007.
  • BIAL Award 2009. The role of Epigenetics in the Prognosis and Pathogenesis of Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia. Lisbon. May 2009.