Our professionals

Dr. Nicolás Pérez Fernández
Otorhinolaryngology Specialist
Area of Expertise: balance problems
Professional career
Graduated (1985) and was awarded his doctorate (1997) in Medicine and Surgery from the University of Navarra. He works as an Otorhinolaryngology Specialist at the Clínica Universidad de Navarra.
He did residencies in the Massacussetts Eye and Ear Infirmary at Harvard Medical School, in Klinikzentrum Basel, the University of Basel in the Division of Audiology and Neurootology, and the University Hospital Basel in the Ocular Motor Laboratory of the Johns Hopkins Centre for Hearing and Balance.
He has participated in 13 research specialist projects, including:
- Otopathology: experimental methods and models
- Study of the effectivity of Betahistina in Ménière's disease for analysis of the variations of potential summation and noise emissions
- Effectiveness of extended-release Trimetazidina 80mg in recurrent vestibular vertigo: 2 month multicentre study compared with placebo
- Central brainstem auditory implants
- 3-dimensional analysis of caloric and rotating oculomotor-vestibular reflection in the general population and effects of aging
- Detection of cochlear hydrops in patients ́ asymptomatic ear with unilateral Ménière's disease
- Controlled double blind study compared with a placebo of the effectivity and acceptability of a 1g, 2g, 4g dose of V0251 for vestibular neuritis
- Clinical double blind, randomised evaluation, controlled with a placebo, for the effectivity, safety and tolerance of neramexano in patients with subjective tinnitus
- Open study to evaluate the long term safety, tolerance and effectivity of neramexano treatment in patients with subjective tinnitus
- Effectivity and tolerance of oral suspension V0251 in vestibular neuritis
- Otoacoustic emissions from distortion products in the diagnosis of auditory pathologies
- Ménière's disease
- Early detection of neonatal hearing loss – universal detection programme using transitory otoacoustic emissions
- Development of clinical programme for Oto-Neurological examinations
- Diagnostic testing – development of instrumental evaluation programme for patients with dizziness and vertigo using Electronystagmography, Videonystagmography (2/3D), high frequency rotating sinusoidal stimulation and Dynamic Posturography
- Ménière's disease: diagnostic criteria (glycerol test) and therapeutic intratympanic gentamicin
- Positional Vertigo
- Central vestibular syndromes - differential diagnosis
- New vestibular examination techniques
- Otitis media
- Labyrinthitis
- Endolymphatic hydrops
- Central hearing implants (brain stem hearing implants)
- Development of experimental implant model and evaluation of the modifications (histological and functional) in the central auditory channel
As an educator
Accredited as an Associated Professor by the ANECA, 2004
Accredited as a Titular Professor by the ANECA, 2008
Associate Titular Professor in the Otorhinolaryngology Department, University of Navarra, 2009
Three times recognised as a researcher by the National Evaluation Commission for Research Activity (CNEAI) in 2012
As a researcher
He has made speeches at over 100 national and international conferences.
He has written 55 book chapters, 6 complete books and edited 24 books.

Organismos científicos
- Sociedad Española de Otorrinolaringología y Patología Cervico-Facial.
- Association of Research in Otolaryngology.
- Bárány Society.
- American Neurotology Society, Fellow member.
- Asociación Portuguesa de Otoneurologia.
- Collegium Otorhinolaringolgicum Amicitae Sacrae (CORLAS)