Our professionals

Dr. Rafael Moncada Durruti
Specialist in Anaesthesiology and Resuscitation.
Specialist at the Pain Area.
Specialised focus on anaesthesia in bariatric surgery.
Professional career
Degree in Medicine and Surgery from the University of Navarre in 2002. Medical Specialist Anaesthesiology and Intensive Care from the Training System for Resident Medical Interns, 2007.
Stay at the Charing Cross Hospital of London Imperial College Healthcare as a clinical observer at the Department of Bariatric Surgery, with Dr. Mr Ahmed R Ahmed BSc and Dr. Jonathan Cousin.
Doctor in medicine. PhD: "Re-evaluation of the criteria of eligibility of patients suitable for bariatric surgery".
- "Study of the mechanisms of histological and functional adaptation in the variability of trend progress after bariatric surgery".
Carlos III Health Institute. Ministry of Science and Innovación. 2011-2012
Head researcher: Gema Frühbeck. File No. FIS PI09/2330 - “Prospective study of changes in energy expenditure after bariatric surgery”.
Carlos III Health Institute. Ministry of Science and Innovation. 2013-2016.
Head researcher: Gema Frühbeck. File No. FIS PI12/00515 - “Study of the dysfunction of adipose tissue in cardio-metabolic alterations linked to obesity and their influence during aging”.
Financing body: Caja Navarra Foundation
Participating body: University Clinic of Navarre. Duration: July 2014-June 2015.
Head researcher: Javier Gómez Ambrosi. - “Evaluation of post-operative pain after preincisional infiltration of bupivacaine in laparoscopic bariatric surgery”.
Spanish Agency of Medicines and Health Products. Code CUN-BUP-2014-01
Head researcher: Victor Valenti - “Study of the coordinated regulation of aquaglyceroporins in insulin sensitive tissues in obesity and insulin resistance”.
Financing body: Department of Health of the Regional Govt. of Navarre.
Date: 2014-2016.
Head researcher: Amaia Rodriguez Murueta-Goyena
- Anaesthesia of obese patients in bariatric surgery.
- Experimental surgical models of obesity surgery.
- Interventionist pain treatment.
As an educator
- Associate Clinical Professor at the Faculty of Medicine. University of Navarre. June 2006 to June 2007.
- Associate Clinical Professor at the Faculty of Medicine. University of Navarre. From June 2006 to present.
- Certified Instructor of Advanced Life Support (ALS) from European Resuscitation Council (E.R.C). Trainer number: CCR-9311.
- Certified Instructor of Basic Life Support and Automated External Defibrillator (BLS+AED) from European Resuscitation Council (E.R.C). Trainer number: CCR-9311.
As a researcher
Published over 20 scientific articles in national and international journals.
Participated in editing 2 chapters of books relating to his speciality.
Presented more than 30 papers at national and international congresses and conferences and has participated as guest speaker in 8 scientific congresses and conferences.

- Premio extraordinario Tesis Doctoral 2016.
Organismos científicos
- Sociedad Española de Cirugía de la Obesidad (SECO). Miembro de la Junta Directiva.
- International Federation for the Surgery of Obesity and Metabolic Disorders. (IFSO).European Society of Anaesthesiology (ESA).
- Sociedad Española de Dolor (SED).
- CIBER Fisiopatología de la Obesidad y Nutrición, Instituto de Salud Carlos III, Madrid.
- Obesity & Adipobiology Group, Instituto de Investigación Sanitario de Navarra (IdiSNA).
- Sociedad Española de Medicina Hiperbarica y Subacuática (SEMHS).