Cerebrovascular Disease Unit

"We have a multidisciplinary team of professionals specialized in the diagnosis and rehabilitation of stroke".


The Cerebrovascular Diseases Unit has a multidisciplinary team of specialists in urgent care in the acute moment of stroke or ictus, and in the treatment of its follow-up.

For this purpose, they have the most advanced technology (neuroimaging tests by magnetic resonance, TAC, PET, ultrasonography - TSA ecodoppler, transcranial Doppler) to guarantee a rapid diagnosis.

Stroke is the leading cause of death in women and one of the most important conditions of permanent disability in adults. 

All patients with symptoms of having suffered a cerebrovascular disease or who present vascular risk factors in the Department of Neurology are offered the possibility of participating in the Comprehensive Vascular Medicine Program (which includes angio-CT and whole body PET). This allows the patient to obtain a complete vascular study, thanks to which it is possible to detect possible vascular lesions early.

From our Unit we collaborate with the Cardiovascular Diseases Program at Cima to advance in the research and treatment of these diseases.

Imagen del icono de la consulta de Segunda Opinión. Clínica Universidad de Navarra

Do you need a remote second opinion?

Our professionals will provide you with a medical evaluation without you having to leave your home.

Why at the Clínica Universidad de Navarra

We are the best private hospital in Spain for the ninth year in a row
(Ranking Monitor de Reputación Sanitaria 2023)

Imagen de un icono dorado de un equipo de tres personas.


We work as a team of neurologists, radiologists, hematologists, endocrinologists, nephrologists, rehabilitators, specialized nurses and specialists in Nuclear Medicine.

Imagen de un icono dorado que representa el cuidado de la salud.

Personalized medicine

We carry out the diagnostic process and design the ideal treatment plan for each patient in the shortest time possible.

Imagen de un icono dorado de un escáner o TC.


We have the latest diagnostic technology, such as 3Teslas high-field magnetic resonance imaging and PET.

Imagen de un icono dorado de un matraz de laboratorio.


We work together with the Neuroscience Area of the Cima Universidad de Navarra in the development of new treatments and we participate in clinical trials.

Diseases we treat

Our specialized professionals of first international level offer you the possibility of a precise and fast diagnosis.

  • Cerebral infarction.
  • Cerebral hemorrhage.
  • Transitory ischemic accident.
  • Cerebral and spinal cord vascular malformations.

Comprehensive assessment of cerebrovascular disorders

The Cerebrovascular Diseases Unit of the University of Navarra Clinic has specialists in different areas and with the most specific, modern and precise diagnostic methods.

Imagen del PET. Tecnología. Departamento de Neurología. Clínica Universidad de Navarra

Cutting edge technology

We have the latest technology and work with well-defined diagnostic protocols to offer the best solution to our patients.

Nursing and rehabilitation team

Specialized in the follow-up and neurorehabilitation care that patients need to achieve the best possible quality of life.

Research and
Clinical trials

We collaborate with the Summit's Cardiovascular Disease Program to advance research and treatment of cerebrovascular disease.

Why at the Clinic?

  • Integral evaluation of the patient.
  • Personalized diagnosis.
  • Cutting edge technology.

Our team of professionals