Movement Disorders Unit

"Movement disorders include a group of diseases characterized either by excessive movement (abnormal involuntary movements) or by poor or slow movement (rigid-kinetic syndromes)".


In the Movement Disorders Unit we offer a quick diagnosis and a multidisciplinary treatment. For a complete approach to these diseases we have cutting-edge technology (PET with Fdopa and with FDG, 3Teslas high-field MRI) that allows a more accurate diagnosis.

The Movement Disorders Unit has been accredited in 2024 by the Movement Disorders Study Group of the Spanish Society of Neurology. This certification recognizes hospital clinical units that ensure the best care for patients with Parkinson's and other movement disorders, being the first non-public Spanish center to have obtained this seal of quality.

We treat these disorders with a multidisciplinary approach both with pharmacological treatments, such as surgery (deep brain stimulation) and with cutting-edge techniques such as the treatment of tremor and Parkinson's disease without surgery using high intensity focused ultrasound (HIFU). In addition, we have clinical trials in Parkinson's disease and other movement disorders.

The multidisciplinary team of specialists that make up the unit are neurologists, neurosurgeons, neurophysiologists, psychologists, psychiatrists, radiologists, nuclear medicine specialists and clinical trials unit. In addition, a team of specialized nurses is in charge of the follow-up and care of the patient.

In addition, we offer the possibility of making a genetic diagnosis to advance the knowledge of your disease.

The Movement Disorders Unit has a 2-year postgraduate training program in Movement Disorders to train specialists in Neurology in the management and learning of the most advanced therapies for this type of pathology.

HIFU, non-surgical treatment of Parkinson's disease

The Clinica Universidad de Navarra incorporates the most advanced model of high intensity ultrasound for the treatment of patients with tremor, rigidity or clumsiness that appear in Parkinson's disease.

Why at the Clínica Universidad de Navarra

We are the best private hospital in Spain for the ninth year in a row
(Ranking Monitor de Reputación Sanitaria 2023)

Imagen de un icono dorado de un equipo de tres personas.


We work as a team of neurologists, neurosurgeons, rehabilitators, neurophysiologists, psychologists, psychiatrists and specialized nurses.

Imagen de un icono dorado que representa el cuidado de la salud.

Personalized medicine

We carry out the diagnostic process and design the ideal treatment plan for each patient in the shortest time possible.

Imagen de un icono dorado de un escáner o TC.


We have the latest technology for diagnosis (3Teslas high field MRI and PET) and treatment, (HIFU and deep brain stimulation electrode surgery).

Imagen de un icono dorado de un matraz de laboratorio.


We work together with the Neuroscience Area of the Cima Universidad de Navarra in the development of new treatments and we participate in clinical trials.

Diseases we treat

Our specialized professionals of first international level offer you the possibility of an accurate and fast diagnosis with vanguard technology (3T high field MRI, PET) physiological studies, cognitive evaluation, and genetic diagnosis.

Imagen de un icono azul con un fonendoscopio o estetoscopio.

Parkinson's disease and other parkinsonisms

Our technology allows for precise diagnosis and personalized treatment. For the treatment, the patient with Parkinson counts on vanguard technology like the high intensity focused ultrasounds (HIFU), and the surgery of deep brain stimulation by means of electrodes.

In the Clinic we have ongoing clinical trials that aim to offer therapeutic alternatives to patients and programs of neurorehabilitation and cognitive stimulation.

Imagen de un icono azul con un fonendoscopio o estetoscopio.


We are specialists in the study and neurophysiological recording of tremor for an accurate diagnosis.

For its treatment, we have state-of-the-art technology such as HIFU and deep brain stimulation by means of electrodes.

Imagen de un icono azul con un fonendoscopio o estetoscopio.


We have botulinum toxin infiltration and in the indicated cases, we perform surgical treatment by deep brain stimulation with electrodes.

Imagen de un icono azul con un fonendoscopio o estetoscopio.

Tics and Gilles de la Tourette Syndrome

We offer surgical treatment with deep brain stimulation in severe cases without pharmacological control.

We have a multidisciplinary team for Cognitive Behavioral Therapy.

Imagen de un icono azul con un fonendoscopio o estetoscopio.


We have the latest technology to achieve an accurate neurophysiological diagnosis to guide the most appropriate diagnosis and treatment.

Evaluation by experienced professionals is important since myoclonias can be the manifestation of neurodegenerative diseases.

Imagen de un icono azul con un fonendoscopio o estetoscopio.


The Movement Disorders Unit has a specific neurorehabilitation program for these patients.


Comprehensive assessment of movement disorders

The Movement Disorders Unit of the Clínica Universidad de Navarra has specialists in different areas and the most specific, modern and precise diagnostic methods.

Imagen del PET. Tecnología. Departamento de Neurología. Clínica Universidad de Navarra

Cutting edge technology

We have the latest technology and work with well-defined diagnostic protocols to offer the best solution to our patients.

Team of

Specialized in the follow-up and care that patients with movement disorders need to achieve the best possible quality of life.

Research and
Clinical trials

We have several clinical trials underway that aim to offer patients therapeutic alternatives.

Why at the Clinic?

  • Integral evaluation of the patient.
  • Personalized diagnosis.
  • Cutting edge technology.

Our team of professionals

We help our patients to overcome their stories

Their testimonies encourage us to continue improving our services