Scientific publications

Current indications for reimplantation of the upper extremity. Scientific Publication

Oct 1, 1996 | Magazine: Revista de Medicina de la Universidad de Navarra

Amillo S., Leyes M., Fernández J., Torres R.

In the last decades there has been a great development in microsurgery that has enabled successful replantation of totally severed parts.

Nowadays, the important issue is to decide which segments should be replanted, in order to achieve a good functional result. In this paper we study the indications and contraindications of replantation, based in our experience and we present a review of the recent literature. We consider the following aspects: general condition and age of the patient, mechanism of lesion, amputation level, ischemic time and also economic aspects.

We conclude that replantation should be attempted in thumb and multiple digits amputations, in amputations at the palm, wrist and forearm, in single digit amputations distal to the flexor superficialis insertion and in any case in children.

CITATION Rev Med Univ Navarra. 1996 Oct-Dec;40(4):34-9