Scientific publications
Management of hypersensitivity reactions to chemotherapy and biologic agents: A survey of ARADyAL (Asthma, Adverse Drug Reactions and Allergy Network) Spanish allergy services. Scientific Publication
Jul 1, 2021
| Magazine: Allergy
Teodorikez-Wilfox Jimenez-Rodriguez 1 2 , María Pilar Berges-Gimeno 2 3 , Ruth Barranco 2 4 , Joan Bartra 2 5 , María Del Carmen Diéguez 2 4 , Inmaculada Doña 2 6 7 , Montserrat Fernández-Rivas 2 8 , Maria Del Mar Gandolfo-Cano 2 9 , Gabriel Gastaminza-Lasarte 2 10 , Eloína González-Mancebo 2 9 , Belén de la Hoz Caballer 2 3 11 , Leticia Sánchez-Morillas 2 8 , María José Torres 2 6 7 , Arantza Vega 2 12 13 , Rosa Muñoz-Cano 2 5
No abstract available
CITATION Allergy. 2021 Jul;76(7):2249-2253. doi: 10.1111/all.14743. Epub 2021 Feb 27.
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Allergy and Immunology Department
Navarre headquarters