Scientific publications

Variceal hemorrhage on the colostomy area in a patient with portal hypertension. Scientific Publication

Jun 1, 1991 | Magazine: Revista Española de Enfermedades Digestivas

Lera Tricas JM (1), Zornoza Celaya G (1), Hernández Lizoaín JL. (2)

A 68 years old patient who had a colostomy done for an abdomino-perineal resection, started episodes of bleeding seven years later from varices at the colostomy site secondary to portal hypertension.

Direct suture of the varices and distal colonic resection were ineffective to stop the bleeding.

Sclerotherapy with polidocanol, however permitted the patient to remain asymptomatic during 14 months.

CITATION  Rev Esp Enferm Dig. 1991 Jun;79(6):437-8