"We are one of the three groups in the world that are evaluating the usefulness of methionine in the diagnosis of myeloma, this radiopharmaceutical provides greater sensitivity and diagnostic specificity than glucose".
What is a PET?
PET (Positron Emission Tomography) is a non-invasive diagnostic technique that allows images to be taken of the patient's body that show the activity and metabolism of the body's organs.
Radioactively marked substances are used and distributed throughout the body.
The cells that present a greater metabolic activity (e.g., tumor cells) capture this substance to a greater extent, and by performing the PET scan, an image is obtained in which these hypercapturing areas are visualized.
The Clínica was the first center in Spain to have a PET-CT, which makes it possible to detect lesions that until now were practically impossible to identify.

When is PET indicated?
PET is very useful in the diagnosis and monitoring of tumour diseases.
This test can be performed in combination with other imaging tests, such as CT, thus providing very complete information on the lesion to be studied.
In addition to tumor diseases, PET has indications in heart diseases and in neurodegenerative diseases such as Alzheimer's disease or Parkinson's disease.
Diseases in which PET tests are requested:
Do you have any of these diseases?
It may be necessary to perform a PET scan
The Clinic has the first PET-CT installed in Spain
This technology, which combines the advantages of PET and CT, offers very high image resolution and high scanning speed.
With this new PET-CT we are able to detect lesions that until now were practically impossible to identify with equipment of these characteristics.
How is PET performed?
Realization of the PET
PET is an outpatient procedure that requires no hospital admission.
Marked glucose (FDG) is injected into a peripheral vein. You will need to stay at rest for one hour.
It takes about half an hour to obtain the images. You will have to lie on the table during this time.
When you arrive at the PET, a nurse will check your blood glucose (blood sugar) level. If it is elevated, you will be given insulin either subcutaneously or intravenously, in order to reach blood glucose levels suitable for the test.
The test requires the administration of a muscle relaxant so it is not advisable to drive after the test.
Preparation for PET
- You must be in FASTING six hours before the test. You can drink water.
- You should not exercise the hours before, chew gum or eat candy.
- You must come with comfortable clothes.
- If you take any medication on a regular basis you can take it with a little water.
- In case you are diabetic or suffer from any muscular disorder (for example, myasthenia gravis), you must inform the nursing staff.
If you are taking steroid medication (Fortecortin®, Dacortin®, Dexamethasone®, etc.) you should tell your nurse. - If you suspect you may be pregnant, you should notify your physician or the nursing staff upon arrival.
- If you are breastfeeding, ask your nurse for instructions.
- It is recommended that you increase your fluid intake by taking the radioactive isotope to promote its elimination through the urinary tract.
- You should take extreme hygiene measures after going to the toilet. You should wash your hands and make sure you flush the toilet.
- You may be accompanied by one person, but you should avoid close contact with pregnant women or young children for the time indicated by your Nuclear Medicine nurse.
Possible risks of PET
- The dose administered for a scan does not produce any side effects or adverse reactions and will not prevent you from living your normal life.
- You will not feel any discomfort during the test.
- When the patient is a child, he/she receives a smaller dose of FDG, adjusted to his/her weight. There is extensive experience in the clinical use of positron-emitting isotopes without any observed side effects.
- In males, positron-emitting isotopes have not been shown to have any long-term effects on fertility or on the health of children that may be born after testing.
What clinical trials do we have on Positron Emission Tomography (PET)?
Where do we do it?
The Nuclear Medicine Service
of the Clínica Universidad de Navarra
The Nuclear Medicine Service-PET is accredited by the European Association of Nuclear Medicine, an association that guarantees the excellence and quality control of the procedures performed in this service. This accreditation also facilitates access to phase I and II clinical trials.
We have the most advanced diagnostic technology, such as PET-CT, which allows us to detect small tumor lesions that were previously practically impossible to identify.
The Clinic is the only Spanish center with the capacity to synthesize and apply up to 18 types of radiopharmaceuticals.
Diagnostic tests we perform
- Bone densitometry.
- Gammagraphy.
- Cellular markings.
- Perfusion monitoring with TNF.
- PET and PET-CT.

Why at the Clinica?
- We have the most advanced technology nationwide.
- Radiopharmacy Unit with experts and capacity to synthesize the largest number of radiopharmaceuticals in Spain.
- Radiophysics and Radiological Protection Unit to guarantee the safety of our patients and professionals.