Angina Pectoris
"The patient with angina pectoris should eliminate, as much as possible, the risk factors (tobacco, cholesterol, etc.) to prevent the disease from progressing and the symptoms from reappearing or becoming worse".
When one of the coronary arteries is totally or partially blocked, there is a lack of blood supply to the myocardium (heart muscle)
If this obstruction is temporary, only for a few minutes and then it recovers, we are talking about angina pectoris.
Despite the symptoms, the diagnosis must be confirmed, since there are many other diseases (gastritis or hiatus hernia, cervical osteoarthritis, anemia, etc.) that cause similar symptoms.
The Unit of Hemodynamics and Interventionist Cardiology of the Department of Cardiology of the Clinic constitutes a center of reference in treatments related to diseases of the heart.
We have the only cardiovascular check-up that incorporates the highest diagnostic imaging technology to accurately quantify your cardiovascular risk
Thanks to the exclusive dedication of our professionals, they allow us to perform the ICAP Checkup in less than 48 hours with a high precision diagnosis.

What are the symptoms of angina pectoris?
The most characteristic symptom is the tightness or discomfort in the central part of the chest (precordium) and sometimes also in the mouth of the stomach (epigastrium).
It radiates to the jaw or the left arm, although it can also do so to both shoulders, arms or wrists.
It appears when there is an effort or any other physical or psychic overload and is relieved by the cessation of such activity.
What are the most common symptoms?
- Oppressive pain in the precordial area
- Oppressive pain in the epigastrium
- Irradiation of pain to the left arm
Do you have any of these symptoms?
You may have angina pectoris
What are the causes of angina pectoris?
There are a number of non-modifiable risk factors (age, sex or family history) and modifiable risk factors (smoking, increased cholesterol, high blood pressure, diabetes and obesity) that promote the formation of atherosclerosis plaques.
These atherosclerotic lesions cause a decrease in the diameter of the vascular lumen, as well as a stiffening of that area of the artery.
How is angina prevented?
The risk factors, which can be influenced are, smoking, increased blood cholesterol, high blood pressure and diabetes. Therefore, the patient with angina pectoris should eliminate, as far as possible, these factors to prevent the disease from progressing and the symptoms from returning or becoming worse.
- Do not smoke.
- Do moderate aerobic exercise.
- Eat properly.
- To maintain in the ideal numbers the values of blood pressure, of cholesterol, of sugar and of weight.
How is angina diagnosed?

For the diagnosis of angina pectoris, in most cases, the basic clinical examination (consultation), the electrocardiogram and the stress test are sufficient.
The most commonly used method to diagnose angina pectoris is the stress test. This test consists of subjecting the heart to a significant effort in a controlled manner and analyzing if symptoms of angina appear, if the electrocardiogram changes, etc.
Other similar tests used to diagnose angina are the stress echocardiogram (the same as the stress test but accompanied by a resting and stress echocardiogram), nuclear medicine tests such as the SPECT and newer tests such as the adenosine heart resonance.
How is angina treated?
The treatment will depend mainly on the location and degree of obstruction of the coronary arteries
First of all, there is the medical treatment with anti-anginal drugs, which prevent or reduce the degree of ischemia by increasing the flow of blood to the heart (nitrates and calcium antagonists) or by taking better advantage of the blood that arrives (beta-blockers, etc.).
Secondly, angioplasty (unblocking of the coronary arteries in the same cardiac catheterization) and related techniques that make it possible, in the catheterization itself, to unblock the arteries and, therefore, to re-establish the flow of blood to the heart by making the angina disappear.
Finally, in the most advanced cases or in those where the result is going to be better than with angioplasty, there is the option of aorto-coronary bypass surgery, which also offers excellent results.
Where do we treat it?
The Department of Cardiology
of the Clínica Universidad de Navarra
The Department of Cardiology of the Clinica Universidad de Navarra is a center of reference in different diagnostic techniques and coronary treatments.
We have been the first center in Europe to place a pacemaker by means of a catheterization without the need to open the chest, for cases of severe heart failure.
The Cardiology Department of the Clinic collaborates with the Radiology and Cardiac Surgery Departments to achieve a quick and precise diagnosis of the patient.

Why at the Clinica?
- Specialized Arrhythmia Unit of national reference.
- Unit of Hemodynamics and Interventionist Cardiology equipped with the best technology.
- Cardiac Imaging Unit to achieve the highest diagnostic accuracy.
Our team of professionals
Cardiovascular Checkup
A new approach to cardiovascular risk
The only checkup that incorporates the latest diagnostic imaging technology to accurately quantify your risk of stroke and myocardial infarction.
Thanks to the exclusive dedication of our professionals, we are able to perform the ICAP checkup in less than 48 hours with a highly accurate diagnosis.