Surgery for inguinal hernias
"The definitive treatment for inguinal hernia is surgical".
What is an inguinal hernia?
An inguinal hernia is a lump or swelling in the groin area. There are two other types: femoral and umbilical, although 75% are inguinal.
On occasion, it is associated with mild pain or vague discomfort that is usually accentuated by exertion. In the event that a pain of great intensity arises, it may be due to a hernia incarceration.
Even if there are no complications, the definitive treatment for inguinal hernia is surgery. It consists of the reintroduction of the abdominal contents, together with the repair or reinforcement of the inguinal wall.
Among the latest advances in the surgical treatment of inguinal hernias, it is worth mentioning their repair by means of laparoscopic surgery, a technique especially indicated in hernias that have already been operated on previously and that reappear or those that appear on both sides.

When is inguinal hernia surgery indicated?
Usually the patient who presents an inguinal hernia refers a lump or swelling in the inguinal region.
Sometimes it is associated with mild pain or vague discomfort, which is usually accentuated by exertion.
The definitive treatment of the inguinal hernia is the surgical one and consists of the reintroduction of the abdominal content and repair or reinforcement of the inguinal wall.
Most frequent indications:
- Abdominal hernias
- Inguinal hernias
Do you have an abdominal or inguinal hernia?
It may be necessary to treat it surgically
How is inguinal hernia surgery performed?
Procedimiento de la cirugía de la hernia inguinal
When carrying out this repair, there are different techniques to restore the integrity of the abdominal wall, ranging from the use of the tissues themselves, such as muscles, fascias, etc. (known as herniorrhaphy techniques), to the use of prostheses or artificial mesh that perform the same function (hernioplasty techniques).
Most of these interventions are performed under spinal anesthesia, although in some cases general anesthesia is used, and in the case of patients with high anesthetic risk, even local anesthesia techniques can be used.
Recuperación y posibles complicaciones
If everything goes normally, the post-operative recovery usually takes between 2 and 4 weeks.
The rate of reappearance of the hernia is between 1 and 5% in any of the cases described, provided that an appropriate surgical technique is applied.
Where do we do it?
The Department of General Surgery
of the Clínica Universidad de Navarra
The Department of General and Digestive Surgery is made up of specialists dedicated to the surgical treatment of endocrine, breast, gastrointestinal, hepatobiliary, pancreatic, colorectal and abdominal wall diseases, with special dedication to oncological surgery.
The application of laparoscopic surgery in the interventions reduces the hospital stay, the post-operative discomfort and shortens the patient's recovery.
We have a great experience in laparoscopic colorectal surgery, of the adrenal gland, liver and pancreas, as well as in obesity surgery.
Treatments we perform
- Colorectal surgery.
- Breast surgery.
- Surgery of the hemorrhoids.
- Pelvic floor surgery.
- Endocrine and obesity surgery.
- Esophageal and gastrointestinal surgery.
- Hepatobiliary and pancreatic surgery.
- Abdominal wall surgery.
- Liver transplant.

Why at the Clinica?
- Center of Excellence in Obesity Surgery by the International Federation for Bariatric Surgery.
- 90% survival rate in liver transplants.
- We are the private hospital with the largest technological equipment.