"When the intervention on the skin is deep, the sessions are spaced more in time and the entire treatment is repeated once a year. If the peeling is very deep, it is not usually repeated for years".
The peeling can be physical or chemical and, depending on the agent used, different benefits are obtained. Among them, the increase of collagen, which improves wrinkles, depigmentation of blemishes or control over oil and bacteria in acneic skin.
The number of treatments needed will depend on the patient's response and the type of peeling applied. In medium peelings, a single application is enough to appreciate significant changes.
The deeper the peel, the longer the results, not to mention that the aging process will continue.
The periodicity of the peel will also depend on the objective of the treatment as well as the substance used.
In the peelings to provide luminosity to the face, between four and eight weekly or fortnightly sessions are carried out. Once the desired results are obtained, a maintenance session is done every four or six weeks.

When is peeling indicated?
The techniques that are performed in the department are
Chemical peeling: an abrasive chemical product is placed on the skin so that it falls and another skin appears without marks or injuries. The retinoic acids, phenol, trichloroacetic are some of those used for this peeling technique. The duration of the treatment is half an hour.
Peeling with CO2 laser: it is a fairly new technique and is recommended to soften the expression lines formed around the lips and eyes and to eliminate spots and shallow scars. It is not a recommended technique for people with oily skin. The session lasts forty minutes.
Most frequent indications for this treatment:
- Acne.
- Scars.
Do you have any of these problems?
It may be advisable to do a peeling
How is the peeling done?
Tipos de peelings químicos
There are 3 types of chemical peels according to the depth of their effect:
Superficial peeling: Closes pores, attenuates scars caused by acne and fine wrinkles. In addition, it provides uniformity to the skin tone and a more youthful and healthy appearance. This type of peeling helps control acne, folliculitis and sebaceous secretions and puts the skin in a better condition to receive any type of dermatological treatment. Surface peels are mainly performed with alpha-hydroxy acids (glycolic acid), trichloroacetic acid (10-15%), Jessner's solution, Unna's paste and carbonic snow.
Medium peeling: it is indicated in the case of solar or toxic aging, since it acts on fine and medium depth wrinkles and to control spots produced by the sun. It is also used as a previous step or complement to many treatments such as microdermabrasion, lifting or fillers. For medium peels, masks of trichloroacetic acid at 11 and 16%, the solution of trichloroacetic acid from 35% to 50% or the solution of phenol at 88% are used.
Deep peeling: With spectacular results, deep peeling manages to act on superficial, medium and deep wrinkles, eliminate sun spots and keratosis. Likewise, it produces skin retraction, which helps to notably improve problems of flaccidity. The most widely used is the Baker-Gordon solution, based on phenol.
The superficial and medium chemical peelings are performed in the Dermatology office on an outpatient basis, requiring admission for 3-4 days only in some cases of deep peelings.
The depth of the peel will determine the recovery of the skin, which can go from a few hours to five days approximately.
Recomendaciones antes de realizarse un peeling
- Notify your doctor if you are pregnant or may be pregnant and if you are breastfeeding.
- Warn of the use of retinoic acid creams not prescribed by your dermatologist or of the previous performance of peels, implants, botulinum toxin injection, permanent makeup or recent surgery.
- If you have used oral isotretinoin in the last 6 months, you should wait for the peel to be performed, as undesirable effects may appear.
- If you have suffered a herpes in the last two weeks or if you have a history of recurrent herpes, you should warn, as the peel can reactivate it if it is not prevented.
- Before the peel is performed, you should avoid the use of UVA rays or extensive exposure to the sun.
- Warn of the drugs you are using before performing the peel.
- It is advisable to avoid cleaning the skin, using abrasive sponges or waxing during the week before the peel.
Cuidados después de un peeling
- After the treatment, hygiene is inexcusable. Sun protection and avoiding direct exposure to the sun is essential.
- Each patient will have a personalized treatment, which can range from the application of creams, to dietary supplements to improve the specific problem presented by their skin.
- You should follow your dermatologist's advice to avoid bacterial infections, herpes, scars, pigmentation alterations and allergies.
- In case you want to put on makeup, it is advisable to wait at least 30 minutes after the peel for the skin's pH to normalize. Nor should you expose yourself to heat, saunas or physical exercise until the week following the peeling.
- In superficial peelings, the patient presents a reaction similar to a sunburn, which disappears in 3-4 days. In the case of the medium peel, the reaction lasts between 7 and 10 days. After the treatment, the patient will present a redness and desquamation of the skin, more intense and lasting the deeper the peeling.
- The improvement of the skin is noticed after 1 or 2 days, with the mildest peelings, up to 1 month, with the most intense ones. Skin redness with deep peels can last up to 6 months.
Posibles complicaciones de los peeling
They are exceptional, but can be seen in very rare cases of reactivation of latent herpes, persistent erythema, seborrheic erythema, striped erythema in cases of resorcinol peeling, burns, post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation, lightening of skin color, infection, scars, acneiform rashes, peeling or allergic reactions to resorcinol.
Where do we do it?
The Department of Dermatology
of the Clínica Universidad de Navarra
The Department of Dermatology of the Clinica Universidad de Navarra has extensive experience in the diagnosis and treatment of dermatological diseases.
We have extensive experience in highly precise surgical treatments, such as Mohs surgery. This procedure requires highly specialized personnel.
We have the latest technology for the dermo-aesthetic treatment of skin lesions, with the aim of achieving the best results for our patients.
Diseases we treat

Why at the Clinica?
- Experts in Mohs Surgery for the treatment of skin cancer.
- We have the best technology for dermo-aesthetic treatments.
- Safety and quality assurance of the best private hospital in Spain.