Urinary Incontinence Surgery
"Women and men often suffer and hide this problem out of embarrassment, to the point that an estimated 70% of those affected by incontinence do not consult a doctor".
Urinary incontinence is the involuntary loss of urine without control of the filling and emptying of the urinary bladder, sometimes accompanied by a strong desire to urinate.
It is caused by age, pregnancy and childbirth, menopause, functional and cognitive impairment and other factors such as surgery, obesity, certain types of physical exercise, etc.
Because of its implication with modesty and social shame, the consultation of these problems is usually delayed or sometimes avoided. For this reason, its real incidence is unknown, although it is estimated that in Spain around two million people suffer from it. Of these, only 10% go to a consultation.
The paradox is that involuntary incontinence, which affects so much the quality of life of those who suffer it, is susceptible to achieve important improvements and even its total overcoming.

When is urinary incontinence surgery indicated?
Surgery is reserved for patients who have failed conservative treatments.
There are about 200 different surgical procedures.
The most common treatments for this problem that we perform at the Clinica Universidad de Navarrra are band surgery, surgery with mini-bands, and botulinum toxin.

Learn all about urinary incontinence and how it is treated (only in spanish)
Most frequent indications:
- Urinary incontinence
Do you have a urinary incontinence problem?
Surgical treatment may be necessary
Types of surgeries for urinary incontinence
Cirugía de bandas
Due to its effectiveness, in 90% of the cases the intervention consists of placing synthetic mesh underneath the urethra, which is inserted through a small vaginal incision.
The operation lasts about 25 minutes and is usually performed under epidural anesthesia, and can even be performed under local anesthesia.
It is a tape, usually made of polypropylene, a material very well tolerated by the body, which is placed under the urethra without tension. As it is porous, it remains fixed and ends up integrating into the body.
It is a simple and very non-invasive procedure, which facilitates the rapid recovery of the patient at home. Incontinence ceases as soon as the mesh is placed, although it is recommended to avoid great efforts during the first month after the operation.
Cirugía con minicintas
Through a single incision under the urethra, a small tape is placed that is fixed internally, without holes in the skin.
It has greater advantages than the synthetic mesh technique, greater comfort for the patient and the advantage that it is adjustable.
Toxina botulínica
In some cases, injection of botulinum toxin into the bladder decreases the number of episodes of urge incontinence.
Where do we do it?
The Department of Urology
of the Clínica Universidad de Navarra
The Department of Urology of the University of Navarra Clinic offers the patient a medical team, composed of first-rate professionals, and state-of-the-art diagnostic and therapeutic means such as the Da Vinci® robotic surgery.
The Department of Urology possesses the certificate of accreditation of the European Board of Urology, a reinforcement of the excellence of the service at the level of care, teaching and research, which in Spain only three hospital centers possess.
Diseases we treat:
- Prostate Cancer
- Kidney Cancer
- Bladder Cancer
- Testicular Cancer
- Benign prostatic hyperplasia
- Urinary Incontinence
- Renal Lithiasis
- Genitourinary Prolapses
- Pediatric Urology

Why at the Clinica?
- A team of top-level professionals trained in international centers.
- State-of-the-art technology for diagnosis and treatment.
- In 24-48 hours you can start the most appropriate treatment.