Scientific publications
Behavioral tolerance to repeated apomorphine administration in parkinsonian monkeys. Scientific Publication
Luquin MR, Laguna J, Herrero MT, Obeso JA.
Four consecutive injections (s.c.) of apomorphine (Apo) were given to 5 parkinsonian monkeys after i.v. MPTP administration.
The minimal effective dose (MED) of Apo was defined as that capable of reducing motor disability by 50% or more for a minimum period of 30 min. Repeated apomorphine injections were given with an interval of 30 min after the motor effect of the previous injection had worn off or with a separation of 3 h between injections.
The doses used in different experiments were the MED (2.4 micrograms/kg), 4 MED and 8 MED. In every experiment the duration of motor benefit was longest with the first Apo injection.
There was a decay in the duration of the response elicited by consecutive Apo injections when given 30 min after the previous effect had waned. This was significant for the MED and 4 MED (ANOVA, P < 0.01). When Apo boluses were given with an interval of 3 h there was a significant reduction in the duration of the response elicited by the MED, 4 MED and 8 MED of apomorphine. For the MED the reduction in the duration of the motor response was significantly greater for injections given with a 30-min interval than 3-h interval.
These findings indicate that behavioral hyposensitivity to repeated Apo administration in parkinsonian monkeys occurs preferentially when near threshold doses are given with short intervals.
CITATION J Neurol Sci. 1993 Jan;114(1):40-4. doi: 10.1016/0022-510x(93)90046-2.