Scientific publications
Effect of feeding raw legumes on intestinal absorption: a short review. Scientific Publication
Jan 1, 1989
| Magazine: Revista Española de Fisiología
Marzo F., Fernández-González A.L., Tosar A., Frühbeck G., Santidrián S.
Departamento de Fisiología, Facultad de Medicina, Universidad de Navarra, Pamplona, Spain.
This review summarizes some of our own results relating with the effect of feeding raw legume diets on the intestinal absorption of sugars and amino acids. As compared to control well-fed animals, both in vivo and in vitro intestinal transport of these substrates are significantly inhibited in legume-fed rats and chickens.
CITATION Rev Esp Fisiol. 1989;45 Suppl:203-6
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