Scientific publications
Hearing loss and vestibular function correlation in Menière's disease patients. Scientific Publication
Boleas-Aguirre MS, Palomar-Asenjo V, Sánchez-Ferrándiz N, Pérez N.
To analyse the correlation between vestibular dysfunction and hearing level of patients diagnosed with Menière's disease.
Retrospective study on the correlation between hearing level and unilateral weakness in 100 Menière's disease patients. In order assess the effect of disease severity in such correlation, the study group included 50 patients who subsequently were treated with oral medication and 50 who later received intratympanic gentamicin to control their symptoms. Audiogram and caloric tests were performed before beginning both of the treatments. Patients were classified according to the AAO-HNS guidelines. Handicap was assessed with the Functional Level of the AAO-HNS and the Dizziness Handicap Inventory.
No correlation was found between pure tone average and canal paresis neither when patients were analysed as a whole nor when correlation was controlled for the treatment installed afterwards. Nevertheless, when they were grouped by hearing loss AAO-HNS stages, we found a greater canal paresis in those with a higher hearing loss (groups 3 and 4).
No correlation was found between hearing loss and canal paresis of patients diagnosed with Menière's disease. However patients with a higher amount of hearing damage have a tendency to abnormal caloric results.
CITATION Rev Laryngol Otol Rhinol (Bord). 2008;129(4-5):255-8