Scientific publications
Intensive care in Spain
P Monedero 1 , D Paz-Martín 2 , F Barturen 3 , L Fernández-Quero Bonilla 4 , J Cardona Peretó 5 , C A Sánchez Pérez 6 , C Ferrando Ortolá 7 , R Cabadas Avión 8 , F García-Montoto Pérez 9 , R González Celdrán 10 , C López Sánchez 11 , N Ojeda Betancor 12 , O M Padrón Ruiz 12 , A Pérez Carbonell 13 , C Soria Gulina 14 , E Tamayo Gómez 15 , V Torres Pedrós 3 , M Varela Durán 16 , M Heredia Rodríguez 17 , R Peyró García 18
The situation of intensive care in Spain differs from the rest of Europe and needs to be viewed with perspective so as not to become accustomed to its anomalous reality.
The existence of a primary specialty, called Intensive Care Medicine1, which is not recognized in Europe, constitutes an obstacle to multidisciplinary access to intensive care that affects the training and development of Anesthesiology and other specialties, generates conflicts of competence2,3,4,5 and impedes the free movement of intensive care specialists in the European Union.
In this paper we present the milestones, challenges and objectives for the development of anesthesia intensive care in Spain.
CITATION Rev Esp Anestesiol Reanim (Engl Ed). 2020 Mar;67(3):147-152. doi: 10.1016/j.redar.2020.01.007. Epub 2020 Feb 21.