Scientific publications
Prevention of a foot amputation: a large arteriovenous malformation reconstructed with a composite free flap. Scientific Publication
Aubá C, Hontanilla B.
A case of a patient with a large arteriovenous malformation in the medial plantar aspect and dorsum of the foot is presented.
Embolization and surgical management of the malformation allowed a successful outcome, avoiding amputation of the foot and preventing recurrence of the lesion. Although arteriovenous malformations are not frequent entities, they have to be considered in the differential diagnosis of lesions that may affect the lower extremities.
The earlier the diagnosis and treatment of these malformations, the lower the morbidity. In large arteriovenous malformations, before radical treatment is envisaged, surgery combined with embolization may achieve good results.
CITATION Plast Reconstr Surg. 2007 Apr 15;119(5):96e-100e