Scientific publications
Prognostic factors of satellitosis or in-transit metastasis in cutaneous squamous cell carcinoma. A multicentric cohort study. Scientific Publication
Ignasi Marti-Marti 1 , Sebastian Podlipnik 2 , Javier Cañueto 3 , Carla Ferrándiz-Pulido 4 , Gustavo Deza 5 , Onofre Sanmartín 6 , Ane Jaka 7 , Sonia Beà-Ardèbol 8 , Rafael Botella-Estrada 9 , Pedro Redondo 10 , Lucía Turrión-Merino 11 , Verónica Ruiz-Salas 12 , Emili Masferrer 13 , Mireia Yébenes 14 , Júlia-María Sánchez-Schmidt 15 , Inés Gracia-Darder 16 , Arcadi Altemir-Vidal 17 , Rafael S Aguayo-Ortiz 18 , Sara Becerril 3 , Domingo Bodet-Castillo 4 , Lorena Leal 5 , Maria José Fuente 7 , Oscar Muñoz Moreno-Arrones 8 , Carlos Abril-Pérez 9 , Alejandra Tomás-Velázquez 11 , Alejandra Sandoval-Clavijo 2 , Agustí Toll 2
Background: Satellitosis or in-transit metastasis (S-ITM) has clinical outcomes comparable to node-positivity in cutaneous squamous cell carcinoma (cSCC). There is a need to stratify risk groups.
Objective: To determine which prognostic factors of S-ITM confer an increased risk of relapse and cSCC-specific-death.
Methods: Retrospective multicenter cohort study. Patients with cSCC developing S-ITM were included. Multivariate competing risk analysis evaluated which factors were associated with relapse and specific-death.
Results: Of a total of 111 patients with cSCC and S-ITM, 86 patients were included for analysis. An S-ITM size ≥20 mm, >5 S-ITM lesions and a primary tumor deep invasion were associated with an increased cumulative incidence of relapse [sub-hazard ratio (SHR): 2.89 (95% CI 1.44-5.83, p=0.003), 2.32 (95% CI 1.13-4.77, p=0.021), 2.863 (95% CI 1.25-6.55, p=0.013)] respectively. A number >5 S-ITM lesions was also associated with an increased probability of specific death [SHR: 3.48 (95% CI 1.18-10.2, p=0.023].
Limitations: Retrospective study, heterogeneity of treatments.
Conclusion: The size and the number of S-ITM lesions confer an increased risk of relapse and the number of S-ITM an increased risk of specific-death on patients with cSCC presenting with S-ITM. These results provide new prognostic information and could be considered in staging guidelines.
CITATION J Am Acad Dermatol. 2023 Mar 10;S0190-9622(23)00360-2. doi: 10.1016/j.jaad.2023.02.048