Scientific publications
Severe laryngeal edema after CAR-T cell treatment in a patient with multiple myeloma: A case report. Scientific Publication
Jun 5, 2023
| Magazine: Clinical Case Reports
Marta Alvarez de Linera Alperi 1 , Sol Ferran de la Cierva 1 , Maria Palacios Berraquero 2 , David Terrasa Czapiewska 1 , Ana Alfonso 2 , Secundino Fernandez Gonzalez 1
This case aims to report an unusual clinical situation with uncommon and severe side effects, which can even be life threatening for the patient. The ENT and Hematology specialist should be aware of diagnosing and treating adequately.
CITATION Clin Case Rep. 2023 Jun 5;11(6):e7281. doi: 10.1002/ccr3.7281. eCollection 2023 Jun.
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