Scientific publications
Simple automated system for simultaneous production of 11C-labeled tracers by solid supported methylation. Scientific Publication
Jul 1, 2006
| Magazine: Applied Radiation and Isotopes
Quincoces G, Peñuelas I, Valero M, Serra P, Collantes M, Martí-Climent J, Arbizu J, García-Velloso MJ, Richter JA.
We herein describe a simple setup for the automated simultaneous synthesis of L-[methyl-11C]methionine and N-[methyl-11C]choline by solid-supported methylation.
The setup is extremely simple and easy to adapt to other automated systems and due to its versatility, the method can be utilized for the production of other radiopharmaceuticals requiring a simple [11C]methylation step. Furthermore, it can be used for multiple simultaneous synthesis.
CITATION Appl Radiat Isot. 2006 Jul;64(7):808-11
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