Business Monitor of Corporate Reputation (Merco)
The Clínica Universidad de Navarra, in 29th position among the 100 companies with the best reputation in Spain.

The Clínica Universidad de Navarra is one of the 30 Spanish companies with the best reputation, having obtained 29th place in the general ranking of Companies and Leaders of the Corporate Reputation Business Monitor (Merco), known today and which classifies the 100 companies with the best reputation in our country.
La Clínica has appeared in this ranking since 2019, having improved 22 places since then in the overall ranking. Merco conducts more than 46,368 surveys among a large team of experts such as managers of large companies, financial analysts, economic information journalists or opinion leaders, among other groups. In total, close to 200 management indicators have been analyzed for this ranking of companies and leaders.
The Corporate Reputation Business Monitor is an evaluation instrument similar to that published by Fortune magazine in the United States. Since 1999, Merco has been measuring the reputation of companies operating in Spain.
It is one of the benchmark monitors in the world thanks to its methodology, as it is the only one in the world with three evaluations and whose results are evaluated by an auditor (KPMG).