Business Monitor of Corporate Reputation (Merco)
Clínica Universidad de Navarra, ranked 33rd among the 100 companies with the best reputation in Spain and 2nd health institution with the best reputation in Spain.

The Clínica Universidad de Navarra is ranked 28th out of the 100 companies with the greatest capacity to attract and retain talent, according to the Merco Talento 2021 ranking. In the previous ranking, the Clínica was ranked 33rd, so it moves up two points in the last year, and 16 positions compared to the 2019 ranking (44th).
In addition to the general ranking, Merco performs a division of companies by number of employees (3000-6000), in which La Clínica appears in fourth position, behind Coca-Cola, Nestlé, Bankinter. In the ranking by sector, within the health sector, La Clínica is in second position, behind Sanitas.