CT or Scanner
"Performing an annual preventive CT scan is effective in reducing deaths from lung cancer".
What is a CT or scanner?
CT (also known as a CT or Scanner) is a diagnostic test that combines the use of X-rays, which are ionizing radiation, with computer (computer) technology.
A series of X-rays emitted from various angles are used to form slices-sections of the patient's body. The data obtained is processed in the computer, obtaining images of the explored organs.
It may be necessary to administer intravenous, oral or enema contrast to increase the visibility of certain structures.

When is it indicated to perform a CT or scanner?
Whole-body CT is an imaging technique that can be useful in identifying problems and diseases, even before they have given rise to symptoms.
It primarily examines three areas of the body: the lungs, the heart and the abdomen-pelvis.
- Lung. The pulmonary CT can detect, in a premature way, malignant nodules as well as bronchial diseases, pulmonary emphysema, etc.
- Heart. The TAC quantifies the amount of calcium deposited in the plaques of the coronary arteries, which is a good index of cardiovascular risk.
- Abdomen and pelvis. This technique serves to identify stones in the kidney and in the gallbladder, cystic lesions, adenopathies, abdominal masses, aortic aneurysms, signs of atherosclerosis and alterations in the abdominal organs.
Most frequent indications for this test:
- Diagnosis of tumors.
- Exploration of the thoracic area.
- Exploration of the abdominal area.
Do you have any of these diseases?
It may be necessary to perform a CT scan
How is a CT scan performed?
Performing the CT scan
The special preparation required will be indicated according to the type of study to be carried out.
For studies of the abdomen and pelvis, in the days prior to the exploration you should not have taken any contrasts or medicines containing barium, bismuth, iodine or other metals.
In the hours prior to these studies, you will have to take a certain amount of contrast by mouth (contrast is a liquid that increases the visibility of internal structures), which will be administered by the Service's nursing staff or, if you are admitted, by the staff on duty.
The test takes about 15 to 60 minutes and is not a painful procedure.
Allergic reactions
The iodized contrasts, on some occasions, can cause allergic reactions, which are mostly banal (nausea, skin rashes, etc.) and exceptionally can be serious (drops in blood pressure, glottis edema, anaphylactic shock, etc.).
If you suffer from allergies of any kind or have had adverse reactions to the contrasts before, you must tell us in advance even if you have done so before, are included in the history in writing or think everyone already knows; it is for your safety.
Where do we do it?
The Radiology Service
of the Clínica Universidad de Navarra
We have the most advanced technology to perform diagnostic radiological tests: PET-CT (the first equipment of these characteristics installed in Spain), 1.5 and 3 tesla magnetic resonances, latest generation digital mammography, etc.
We have an innovative system for archiving and communicating medical images, which facilitates their storage and handling for better diagnostic capacity.
Organized in specialized areas
- Neck and chest area
- Abdominal area
- Musculoskeletal area
- Neuroradiology Area
- Breast Area
- Interventional radiology Area

Why at the Clinica?
- We are the private center with the largest technological equipment in Spain.
- Specialists with extensive experience, trained in centers of national and international reference.
- We collaborate in a multidisciplinary way with the rest of the Clinic's departments.