Gastrointestinal series
"It is a painless and safe procedure for your health".
What is a gastrointestinal series?
The gastrointestinal series is a diagnostic procedure that, through x-rays, visualizes and makes images of the esophagus, stomach and sometimes the small intestine, for which it is necessary to drink a liquid called barium.
In the examination room, you will be asked to drink a barium drink. The barium paste fills your stomach and small intestine so that they are visible to X-rays.
The radiologist performs the scan on a special X-ray television. You will be asked to change position periodically or hold your breath to get the study images or X-rays.

When is the gastrointestinal series indicated?
Probably the most frequent symptom of people with gastric problems is pain.
The characteristics of this one: location, intensity, irradiation to other areas, moment of appearance during the day, relation with the ingestion, factors that increase it or calm it, accompanying symptoms, etc., will be able to orient us towards the origin of this pain and will indicate us the convenience or not of consulting our doctor.
Diseases in which gastrointestinal series tests are requested:
- Difficulty in swallowing.
- Gastric discomfort.
- Gastro-oesophageal reflux.
- Constipation.
Do you have any of these diseases?
You may need to have a gastrointestinal series
How is the gastrointestinal series performed?
It is a painless procedure.
The ionizing radiation used in X-rays does not represent a danger to your health, however, pregnant women or those who suspect they are in that state should not undergo this examination.
How long does the test last?
- Esophagus and stomach. The scan may take 30-45 minutes.
- Small intestine. It can take up to two hours, although it is unpredictable because it depends on how fast the barium moves through it.
Where do we do it?
The Radiology Service
of the Clínica Universidad de Navarra
We have the most advanced technology to perform diagnostic radiological tests: PET-CT (the first equipment of these characteristics installed in Spain), 1.5 and 3 tesla magnetic resonances, latest generation digital mammography, etc.
We have an innovative system for archiving and communicating medical images, which facilitates their storage and handling for better diagnostic capacity.
Organized in specialized areas
- Neck and chest area
- Abdominal area
- Musculoskeletal area
- Neuroradiology Area
- Breast Area
- Interventional radiology Area

Why at the Clinica?
- We are the private center with the largest technological equipment in Spain.
- Specialists with extensive experience, trained in centers of national and international reference.
- We collaborate in a multidisciplinary way with the rest of the Clinic's departments.