"The new ultrasound facilities of the Clinic have incorporated two high-end equipment, so that we now have the latest generation devices".
What is an ultrasound?
Ultrasound is a procedure that allows us to obtain images of many of the structures in our body through ultra-frequency waves.
Ultrasound uses ultrasound, not X-rays. Multiple studies have shown that these ultrasounds are harmless and can be used with total safety, as in the case of a pregnant woman where X-rays or CT would not be appropriate.
In certain cases, both ultrasound and CT could be used to obtain a diagnosis, but the ultrasound is performed in less time and at a considerably lower economic cost.
Your doctor will order the most appropriate type of study depending on each situation.

When is ultrasound indicated?
The sonographer will spread a gel on your skin and slide an instrument, similar to a microphone, across your abdomen, called a transducer, asking you to help with your breathing when instructed.
The abdominal ultrasound is the most common and it explores the gallbladder, liver, bile ducts, kidneys, pancreas and spleen. It also includes the aorta and retroperitoneum.
It is not a painful procedure and lasts approximately 15-30 minutes.
Diseases and studies in which ultrasound tests are requested:
- Gynecological study.
- Urological study.
- Tumors and masses in the abdomen.
Do you have any of these diseases?
It may be necessary to perform an ultrasound
Types of ultrasounds
Pelvic Ultrasound
This test is used to explore, fundamentally, the uterus, ovaries and bladder. In men, the bladder and prostate.
When greater detail of the uterus, ovary or surrounding tissues is necessary, a special study is performed with a special high-resolution transducer that, previously sterilized, is introduced through the vagina.
In order to perform this procedure, it is convenient to have a full bladder, so it is necessary to drink plenty of water, starting one hour before and ending 30 minutes before the test, and not to urinate before the scan is performed.
It is not necessary to fast.
Soft tissue ultrasound
It is used to evaluate alterations in the thyroid and parathyroid glands, breast, scrotum and testicles, and occasionally other superficial locations.
The test not only allows visualization and characterization of the alterations, but also can be used as a guide for fine needle puncture (FNP) or biopsy of the possible alterations found in the study.
Vascular ultrasound
It is used to evaluate the vascular structures and analyze if there are alterations such as dilations, narrowing or occlusions.
The most frequently explored vessels are those of the neck, arms, legs, including arteries and/or veins, as well as the study of surgical by-passes (vascular grafts) and arteriovenous fistulas for hemodialysis.
Interventional ultrasound
It encompasses a wide range of therapeutic procedures: biopsies, cyst aspiration, drainage of liquid collections in the lung, abdomen and subcutaneous tissues and oncological ablative techniques (tumor treatments).
Interventional procedures are usually preceded by an ultrasound scan. Because of its great diversity, the duration is variable and can range from 30 to 90 minutes.
Some procedures, such as biopsies of abdominal organs and others, may require a post-procedure observation period of several hours.
They are painful procedures, but all possible means are put in place to make the pain as minor as possible. Some can be done with local anesthesia (similar to the dentist's novocaine). Others require prior analgesics or anxiolytics or even taking an intravenous line and monitoring by the radiology nurse if drugs need to be administered.
To perform these procedures, avoid ingesting solids or liquids other than water 6-8 hours in advance. You may take your usual medication, unless otherwise stated. If you are taking aspirin or similar, stop taking it about 5 days before the test. If you are diabetic, consult your doctor.
After the test, there may be some pain in the area, but it is usually minimal and will go away.
If you have been given analgesic or anaesthetic medication, you may feel drowsy during the recovery period, so you will need to be accompanied at the center and at home. It is not advisable to drive for several hours.
Where do we do it?
The Radiology Service
of the Clínica Universidad de Navarra
We have the most advanced technology to perform diagnostic radiological tests: PET-CT (the first equipment of these characteristics installed in Spain), 1.5 and 3 tesla magnetic resonances, latest generation digital mammography, etc.
We have an innovative system for archiving and communicating medical images, which facilitates their storage and handling for better diagnostic capacity.
Organized in specialized areas
- Neck and chest area
- Abdominal area
- Musculoskeletal area
- Neuroradiology Area
- Breast Area
- Interventional radiology Area

Why at the Clinica?
- We are the private center with the largest technological equipment in Spain.
- Specialists with extensive experience, trained in centers of national and international reference.
- We collaborate in a multidisciplinary way with the rest of the Clinic's departments.