"Malnutrition is not just a question of weight, but of health and well-being. Early detection and appropriate treatment can make the difference between recovery and progressive deterioration."
What is malnutrition?
Malnutrition is a disorder that occurs when the body does not get the right amount of essential nutrients to function properly. It is a health problem that affects millions of people worldwide and can have serious consequences for both children and adults.
Malnutrition can be classified into different types according to nutrient deficiency:
- Kwashiorkor: This is a severe form of malnutrition, caused by severe protein deficiency, usually accompanied by insufficient energy intake. It is the type of malnutrition that mainly affects children in regions with limited resources, although it can also occur in adults with chronic diseases or other disorders.
- Marasmus: Caused by a lack of calories and protein, it leads to severe weight loss and muscle wasting. Sometimes, in this type of malnutrition, it occurs voluntarily, when only weight loss is desired and severe weight loss is achieved. In other cases, this type of malnutrition is related to degenerative diseases, such as Parkinson's or Alzheimer's disease.
- Mixed: This is the combination of kwashiorkor and marasmus, and is the most serious form of malnutrition, as it affects both muscle mass and the body's fat and protein reserves.
At the Nutrition Department of the Clínica Universidad de Navarra we have a multidisciplinary team specialised in the diagnosis and treatment of malnutrition, offering personalised solutions for each patient.

Symptoms of malnutrition
- Unintentional and progressive weight loss
- Extreme fatigue and muscle weakness
- Dizziness and fainting
- Fragile hair and skin
- Decreased concentration and cognitive problems
- Weakened immune system
- Delayed wound healing
- Swelling of hands, feet and abdomen in severe cases
- Reduced body temperature, leading to a feeling of constant coldness
Do you have any of these symptoms?
If you suspect that you have any of the above symptoms,
you should consult a medical specialist for a diagnosis.
How is malnutrition diagnosed?
The diagnosis of malnutrition is made by a medical assessment of the patient, dietary history and sometimes blood tests to assess specific micronutrient imbalances.
Part of the assessment includes:
- Measurement of weight and height
- Determination of the body mass index
- Estimation of the amount of muscle and fat
Treatment of malnutrition
The treatment of malnutrition consists mainly of a gradual increase in the number of calories consumed. This is best achieved by consuming small amounts per day, spread over a number of meals.
Sometimes tube feeding or intravenous feeding is necessary. Tube feeding is useful for people whose digestive tract is functioning normally, but who are unable to eat or swallow.
Intravenous feeding is used when the digestive tract is unable to absorb nutrients, or when the digestive tract must be kept temporarily without food due to various conditions.
Where do we treat it?
The Department of Endocrinology and Nutrition of the
of the Clínica Universidad de Navarra
The Department is organized into care units with specialists totally dedicated to the study, diagnosis and treatment of this type of disease.
We work with established protocols, which ensure that all diagnostic tests to be performed are done in the shortest time possible and that the most appropriate treatment is started as soon as possible in each case.
Organized in care units
- Obesity Area.
- Diabetes Unit.
- Thyroid and Parathyroid Disease Unit.
- Osteoporosis Unit
- Other diseases: e.g. Cushing's syndrome.

Why at the Clinica?
- European Center of Excellence in the diagnosis and treatment of Obesity.
- Team of specialized nurses at the Day Hospital of Endocrinology and Nutrition.
- We have a Metabolic Research Laboratory of international prestige.