
"We have the latest technology which permits us to achieve the best results in the treatment of our patients".


The Department of Otorhinolaryngology at the Clínica Universidad de Navarra is a national and international benchmark in numerous highly specialised surgical procedures. Among these, we can highlight the experience of the department in the indication and placement of hearing implants. Dr. Manuel Manrique and his team of professionals are an international reference in implants for hearing loss in adults, including the elderly, and in children from a very early age (6 months old).

We have the latest technology at our disposal and we carry out all the diagnostic tests in less than 48 hours in order to provide our patients with the best solution in the shortest time possible.

We were the first centre in Spain to use robotic surgery in the surgical treatment with the Da Vinci® System with a transoral approach for obstructive pathology with OSAS, malignant pharyngeal neoplasms and larynx.

In addition, we have been the first Spanish centre to operate on thyroid pathology through the armpit using robotic and endoscopic techniques, avoiding scarring of the neck.

Moreover, we are the only centre in Spain that performs hypoglossal nerve stimulation treatment for the treatment of sleep apnea, a very common pathology that affects quality of life and has important consequences on the health of patients.

The centre has more than 40 years of experience in oncological surgery of the head and neck, including reconstructive surgery, transoral endoscopic surgery and transoral CO2 laser surgery.

One of the departments in Spain with the longest tradition in the management of voice disorders, with one of the best equipped functional examination laboratories for the diagnosis of disorders of the spoken and sung voice, professional voice, etc.  The laboratory also studies other types of dysfunctions such as swallowing disorders, nasal ventilation problems, gastro-oesophageal reflux and alterations in smell and taste by means of objective tests.

Imagen del icono de la consulta de Segunda Opinión. Clínica Universidad de Navarra

Do you need a remote second opinion?

Our professionals will provide you with a medical evaluation without you having to leave your home.

Specialised units for a better medical attention





  • Dysphonia

  • Muscle tension dysphonia

  • Laringitis

  • Laryngeal microsurgery

  • Vocal Nodules

  • Vocal cord paralysis

  • Vocal Polyps

  • Pharyngeal reflux

  • Botulinum toxin treatment


Do you need to request a consultation with one of our specialists?


Comprehensive assistance

Equipped with the latest technology, the Department of Otorhinolaryngology has the technical and human resources necessary to offer comprehensive and specific care for each patient.

Specialised Nursing

We have a highly specialised team of nurses to manage and follow up patients with any disease in the area of Otorhinolaryngology.

Robotic surgery

High surgical precision, less invasive procedures and increased patient safety.

Balance disorders

We have one of the greatest experiences in the application of intratympanic gentamicin to solve cases of vertigo.

Imagen de la fachada de consultas de la sede en Pamplona de la Clínica Universidad de Navarra

Why at the Clinic?

  • Over 30 years of experience.
  • Experts of international reference.
  • Security and guarantee of a prestigious hospital.

Experts in the treatment of hearing problems

Hearing Implant Program

The Clinica Universidad de Navarra is a national and international benchmark in hearing implants. Over 30 years of experience with more than 1,400 cochlear implants performed.

We have the exclusive dedication of a multidisciplinary team, formed by medical specialists, nurses, hearing aid technicians and speech therapists.

We help our patients to overcome their stories

Their testimonies encourage us to continue improving our services