Insulin Infusion Pump
"This system allows better control of diabetes, but requires a greater commitment from the patient".
What is the insulin infusion pump used for?
The Continuous Insulin Infusion Pump (CIIP) is a device that delivers basal and bolus insulin before meals, indicated in patients with type 1 diabetes mellitus.
The pump holder must have:
- A high degree of motivation in the treatment of their diabetes.
- Extensive knowledge about the treatment of their diabetes, how to behave when faced with a change in intake, illnesses, sport.
- Perform at least four daily capillary blood glucose checks (before each meal and before bedtime).
- Possess some technical ability to operate the pump.

When is an insulin pump indicated?
- When satisfactory glycemic control is not achieved despite being on intensive multi-dose insulin treatment.
- People with diabetes who want to have more flexibility and improve their quality of life, especially those who do intense physical activity for work, sport...
- Frequent episodes of severe hypoglycemia, especially if they are nocturnal.
- Episodes with complications derived from your diabetes.
- Women who desire offspring and plan to become pregnant.
- People with painful diabetic neuropathy.
- People with minimal insulin needs.
Most frequent indication of this treatment:
Are you diagnosed with type 1 diabetes mellitus?
An insulin pump may be needed
Learn more about the insulin pump
Functioning of the insulin pump
Its operation is very simple, since it has a small programmed electric motor that, through a piston, pushes the plunger of the cartridge loaded with rapid-acting insulin or insulin analogues.
A catheter exits from the cartridge and ends up in the subcutaneous tissue through a Teflon cannula. The infusion set is usually changed every 3 days and attached to the skin with adhesive tape.
The insulin infusion pump is an insulin delivery system with a non-intelligent reservoir, that is, it must be programmed and used knowingly according to the patient's needs.
Advantages of the insulin pump
- Thanks to the possibility of adjusting the timing of basal insulin administration, the frequency of nocturnal hypoglycemias is significantly reduced and, if correctly programmed, basal plasma glucose levels are achieved within normal range.
- Possibility of continuous administration of pre-programmed basal insulin adjusted to the needs of each hour of the day.
- The insulin reservoir is outside the body, which reduces the risk of hypoglycemia and at the same time provides a lot of flexibility.
- The feeling of well-being is increased, as well as the physical and psychological ability to manage stress. Usually increases the feeling of health and self-esteem that improves the quality of life.
- Significant improvements are seen in patients with irregular lifestyles, demanding professions or frequent travel for work purposes.
- The episodes of postprandial hyperglycemia are reduced and shortened, with the repercussion that this reports on the glycosylated hemoglobin.
- The patient normally shows a good degree of acceptance to the treatment with pump, since this modality of administration of insulin allows him to lead a normal life and, at the same time, to maintain some levels of glycaemia within the normality.
Where do we do it?
The Department of Endocrinology and Nutrition of the
of the Clínica Universidad de Navarra
The Department is organized into care units with specialists totally dedicated to the study, diagnosis and treatment of this type of disease.
We work with established protocols, which ensure that all diagnostic tests to be performed are done in the shortest time possible and that the most appropriate treatment is started as soon as possible in each case.
Organized in care units
- Obesity Area.
- Diabetes Unit.
- Thyroid and Parathyroid Disease Unit.
- Osteoporosis Unit
- Other diseases: e.g. Cushing's syndrome.

Why at the Clinica?
- European Center of Excellence in the diagnosis and treatment of Obesity.
- Team of specialized nurses at the Day Hospital of Endocrinology and Nutrition.
- We have a Metabolic Research Laboratory of international prestige.