Molecular diagnosis for the prostate cancer
We research on molecular markers in order to achieve the most appropriate treatment for each patient.
The Prostate Center is integrated into the Cancer Center at the Clínica Universidad de Navarra. We systematically incorporate into our clinical activity, with the consent of our patients, research on biological samples in search of molecular markers that would allow us to identify the most appropriate treatment for each patient, advancing from present-day personalized medicine to precision medicine.
In the initial phase of suspicion, in accordance with our protocol, we use commercial molecular tests (such as SELECT MDX) to find out in which patients we can avoid biopsies because they present a low risk of having a significant tumour. Likewise, in patients already diagnosed with prostate cancer located in the gland, we try to develop molecular expression panels that allow us to identify those who are candidates for the least aggressive treatments with maximum safety.
In patients with metastatic tumours, we evaluate molecular markers in liquid biopsies, and of tissue in special cases, endevouring to identify those patients from whom we can expect a greater response to possible immunotherapy treatments in the clinical trial phase, chemotherapy, or targeted therapies against the activation of the androgen receptor.
In this context, being able to diagnose metastatic disease at the earliest possible stage, thanks to PET PSMA, allows us to rationalise when combining systemic treatments with local and metastatic-targeted treatments, using stereotactic radiotherapy (SBRT) with the intention of prolonging survival with the best possible quality of life.
Contact us if you need more information or advice on the checkup you need.