Multiparametric magnetic resonance imaging in prostate
The MRI combined with the biopsy achieves the most accurate diagnosis
Multiparametric magnetic resonance imaging of the prostate is a radiological test that provides us with information about the shape and signal of the prostate in its different parts, as well as the neighbouring organs and their interrelations. In this way, we know what a normal prostate should look like in the so-called T1 and, primarily, T2 sequences. Therefore, when there are problems of hyperplasia, cancer or inflammation (prostatitis) changes are observed in the size, shape and signal of the prostate.
Prostate resonance is called multiparametric because, in addition to the shape and signal in T1 and T2, other functional aspects are evaluated such as diffusion or perfusion (how the contrast injected is distributed) which behave in different ways in prostate diseases thus helping us to distinguish between them. In this way, the radiologist not only describes normal and abnormal images, but also reports on the probability that these correspond to a cancer (PIRAD classification).
Multiparametric prostate resonance is capable of detecting approximately 85% of prostate cancers, especially those that are significant (of a certain aggressiveness) and of sufficient size. Its sensitivity is maximum for tumours with volumes greater than 0.2 cc, equivalent to 7 mm in diameter.
In the Clinic, we have the most advanced 3 Tesla technology, which increases our capacity to detect and differentiate abnormalities in the prostate.
Furthermore, our radiologists are highly experienced because they are the only ones in this country who, thanks to the results of fusion mapping biopsies (more than 1,000 biopsies performed), have weekly information on the reliability of their diagnoses, which guarantees a process of continuous improvement.
Contact us if you need more information or advice on the checkup you need.