Choline PET for Prostate Cancer
Combined with the fusion biopsy it allows us to know the extension of the tumour in the prostate.
PET with C11 or F18 Choline takes advantage of this radiotracer that is preferentially fixed to prostate cancer cells.
We systematically use Choline PET for prostate cancer in extension studies of patients with high risk prostate tumours as it provides us with more information about the extension of the disease (whether it is limited or not to the prostate) and, when combined with fusion biopsies, of the extension of the cancer within the prostate.
In this way, in a further advance towards personalised medicine, we have been able to treat patients with high-risk tumours by removing the prostate and pelvic nodes while conserving urinary continence and sexual potency (as the tumour is located far from the vessels and nerves on which erection depends)
In addition, in patients with few metastases (oligometastatic), it allows us to use early multimodal treatments, which combine systemic hormone therapy with those for local disease and metastases through stereotactic radiotherapy (SBRT).
Contact us if you need more information or advice on the checkup you need.