Holmium laser enucleation prostate surgery (HolEP)
Holmium laser enucleation is the technique of choice for intermediate sized and large volume prostates that avoids the need for open surgery.
Holmium laser enucleation of the prostate (HoLEP) is the most versatile minimally invasive surgical technique for the treatment of benign prostatic hyperplasia as it is indicated for prostates of any volume and is appropriate for large prostates.
At the Clínica Universidad de Navarra, where we systematically perform prostate biopsy with transperineal fusion techniques, we have patients with severe prostatic hyperplasia and low-risk tumours located in the transitional zone (that of the hyperplasia itself) in whom we have treated both diseases simultaneously with Holmium laser, without tumour recurrence reported in the majority of patients followed up to now.
Our experts at the Prostate Centre, being among the pioneers of this technique in our country, have accumulated around a thousand procedures turning into a guarantee for our patients.
Contact us if you need more information or advice on the checkup you need.

Holmium HoLEP laser enucleation must be performed in highly experienced centres due to its technological requirements and technical complexity

HoLEP treatment is used in patients with slightly elevated PSA, as it allows tissue to be extracted for analysis in the same intervention, which is not the case with the green laser.

The Holmium laser prostate operation carries out the removal of tissue in the most efficient way, removing as much tissue as possible in the shortest possible time.

The effective photocoagulation produced by the Holmium HoLEP laser, together with the fact that the surgery is adapted to the anatomy of each patient, means that the risk of bleeding is minimal compared to other techniques.
How is the Holmium laser prostate operation performed?
The technique reproduces an open surgery, although it is performed through the urethra, which means that it is carried out without incisions, avoiding all the complications associated with the presence of surgical wounds.
In this way, it is the only procedure capable of guaranteeing that all the abnormal adenomatous tissue that causes the obstruction of the urethra is removed. This means that it offers the best long-term results, with the lowest rate of reoperation.