Publicaciones científicas

Barriers to research utilisation among forensic mental health nurses

01-ago-2004 | Revista: International Journal of Nursing Studies

Carrion M, Woods P, Norman I.

This study used a cross-sectional, descriptive design to identify barriers to research utilisation among forensic mental health nurses. A postal questionnaire was sent to the total population of 88 registered nurses working in a forensic mental health hospital in the UK.

Forty-seven responded representing a response rate of 53%. Results showed that the greatest barriers to research utilisation were those related to the characteristics of the setting in which nurses work or the personal characteristics of nurses themselves, which seems to be consistent with previous studies undertaken in the area. However, the nurses reported it especially difficult to trust what research shows because they feel that it is not always possible to apply those findings to their particular work environment.

The main implications for policy are a need for an increase in support from management, programmes of advanced education to provide nurses with research skills, an improvement in accessibility and availability of research reports and an increase in time available to read and implement research. The main suggestions for future research are that qualitative studies should be carried out to attain a better understanding of mental health nurses' attitudes towards research utilisation.

CITA DEL ARTÍCULO  Int J Nurs Stud. 2004 Aug;41(6):613-9.  doi: 10.1016/j.ijnurstu.2004.01.006.