Publicaciones científicas

Clinical and evolutive study of plasma cell leukemia. A propos of 9 cases.

01-may-1997 | Revista: Revista Clínica Española

Panizo Santos C, Cuesta Palomero B, Calasanz Abinzano MJ, Rifón Roca J, Rocha Hernando E.

Nine patients were diagnosed with plasma cell leukemia (PCL) from 1982-1995 at our hospital. Seven patients had primary PCL and the other two patients a secondary from. In this study the clinical and analytical features are reported, as well as the therapy and response obtained in these patients.

Also, the karyotype findings in bone marrow of four of these patients are reported. At diagnosis, the most common symptom was bone pain which was associated with osteolytic lesions or diffuse bone demineralization. Analytical features were similar to those reported in other series of patients with PCL.

Different therapeutical regimens were used, and VAD was the most commonly employed. Two patients underwent consolidation therapy with autologous transplantation of hemopoietic stem cells. The mean survival time was 5.5 months.

Although PCL prognosis associated with chemotherapy is still poor, myeloablative therapy with hemopoietic support can increase the survival length in these patients.

CITA DEL ARTÍCULO Rev Clin Esp. 1997 May;197(5):341-5

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