Publicaciones científicas

Economic evaluation of Viaflex with vial adapter in a unit-dose drug distribution system

01-dic-1999 | Revista: Pharmacy World and Science

Ortega A, Robles A, Lacasa C, Elcarte B, Giráldez J.


The cost of parenteral admixtures has an important impact on the hospital budget. Recently, a Viaflex with vial adapter (named 'minibag plus' in some countries) has been commercialized in order to facilitate parenteral admixture preparation. In the present study a preparation using Viaflex with a vial adapter has been economically compared with a preparation with a traditional Viaflex (without adapter) in a centralized unit or in nursing wards in a unit-dose drug distribution system.

A cost-analysis was conducted from the hospital point of view. Direct costs were considered: these included supplies and human resources. Differences in the whole process between the two types of Viaflex were analysed. The process included: purchasing, reception, storage, medical order record, preparation in the Pharmacy Service (PS), delivery from the PS to the nursing unit, preparation by the nurse, return of unused material to the PS. Human resource costs were estimated by time counting and multiplying by the average salary. To estimate wasted material, drug and supplies delivered from the PS and returned to the PS were counted during 26 days. With the new Viaflex costs are reduced by 30% in comparison with drug dilution using the traditional Viaflex in a centralized unit of the PS, and by 13.4% in comparison with preparation with the traditional Viaflex in the nursing ward.

In addition it can be estimated that contamination risk with the new Viaflex is lower than preparation in the nursing ward with the traditional Viaflex. Therefore, owing to its lower cost we recommend the use of Viaflex with vial adapter for drug dilution for those vials that are compatible with the system.

CITA DEL ARTÍCULO Pharm World Sci. 1999 Dec;21(6):278-80