Publicaciones científicas
Reducing Risks in Tonsillectomy
Jorge de Abajo, Javier Cervera, Peter M. Baptista.
Tonsillectomy is one of the most common procedures performed by the otolaryngologist. Now, many different surgical systems offer advantages related to less pain or postoperative bleeding. In our institution Tissue Welding Starion System (TW) has been used for over 281 patients. We have compared results using TW with bipolar cautery (BC).
Between August 2008 and January 2012, 482 consecutive surgeries were performed in our institution by 2 different surgeons using the clinical guidelines of the AAO-HNS. Two hundred eighty-one patients (58.2%) were operated using the TW technology, and 201 (41.8%) were operated using BC. We have evaluated surgical outcomes and complications.
Surgeries performed with TW were significantly faster with less bleeding and carbonization of tissue in comparison with BC. Postoperative pain was significantly lower and patients returned to normal diet faster in the TW group. Eleven patients (2.3%) developed major complications (need for revision surgery, or admission to hospital). Seven of them (1.4%) were from the BC group (3 postoperative bleeding and 4 admissions because of pain). Four of them (0.8%) were from the TW group (3 postoperative bleeding and 1 admission due to persistent fever).
Tonsillectomy with TW proved to reduce by half postoperative bleeding and admissions to hospital compared to BC. These suggest that TW could be an advantageous technique concerning safety.
CITA DEL ARTÍCULO Otolaryngology -- Head and Neck Surgery August 2012 147: P140, doi:10.1177/0194599812451426a50