Publicaciones científicas
Retroperitoneal sarcomas
Martín-Marquina Aspiunza A, Sanz Pérez G, Díez-Caballero Alonso F, Rodríguez-Rubio Cortadellas FI, López-Picazo Jiménez J, Rosell Costa D, Robles García JE, Berián Polo JM.
Presentation of 11 cases of retroperitoneal sarcoma. Mean time from the beginning of symptoms to diagnosis is 6 months.
The primary complementary study is CT. Surgery was performed in all cases, using complete resection in 6 cases, and partial resection in 5. Ten patients relapsed. 9 of which were treated with surgical rescue, in one or more occasions; chemotherapy was added in 6 cases and radiotherapy in 7.
Survival at five years is 68%, with a mean follow-up of 66 months.
CITA DEL ARTÍCULO Actas Urol Esp. 1997 Nov-Dec;21(10):964-6