Publicaciones científicas

Transcultural comparison of psychogenic movement disorders

01-oct-2005 | Revista: Movement Disorders

Esther Cubo (1, 2), Vanessa K. Hinson (1), Christopher G. Goetz (1), Pedro García Ruiz (3), Justo García de Yébenes (3), María José Martí (4), María Cruz Rodríguez Oroz (5), Gurutz Linazasoro (6), José Chacón (7), Antonio Vázquez (8), Javier López del Val (9), Sue Leurgans (1), Joanne Wuu (1)

Prompted by the lack of cross-cultural comparative data, and because a better understanding in the different clinical presentations of psychogenic movement disorders (PMDs) is relevant to neurological assessment and interventions, we compared the phenomenology, anatomical distribution, and functional impairment of PMDs in the United States and Spain.

Consecutive patients diagnosed with PMD by a movement disorder specialist from one US site and from eight Spanish university centers were included in the study. The two groups were similar in their movement types, anatomical distribution, and functional impairment. PMDs were more prevalent in women than in men and were most common in upper and lower extremities. Gait and speech dysfunctions were distributed similarly in both countries.

We found action tremor to be the most frequent PMD in both countries.

CITA DEL ARTÍCULO  Mov Disord. 2005 Oct;20(10):1343-5